Thursday, October 29, 2020

Reload: YDI

YDI - A Place In The Sun - 1983
YDI - Demo Tape - 1983
YDI - Black Dust - 1985
YDI - Black Dust - 1985
01. YDI - A Place In The Sun, 1983 Vinyl 7" 33 ⅓ RPM
     Blood Bubble Records - NO. 1
     ripped from Out For Blood 2004 discography CD - includes the two tracks from the Get Off My Back comp.
02. YDI - Demo Tape, 1983 Cassette
     Not On Label - none
     ripped from Out For Blood 2004 discography CD
03. YDI - Black Dust, 1985 Vinyl LP
     Blood Bubble Records - DM-85063
     ripped from Out For Blood 2004 discography CD
04. YDI - Black Dust, 1985 Vinyl LP
     Blood Bubble Records - DM-85063
Requested: rezerred.
Remove brackets and unzip: [zer for blood]

Once again, the nazis in charge extended their national lock-down. So once again I am submitting the new designs for their national flags. 
#JeProposeQuOnLesEnculeAvecDesOutilsRouillés #LegaultCancer2020 #TrudeauCancer2020 #MacronCancer2020 #Decapitations

Toi aussi participe au débat politique :



    Even though I don't know anything about canadian politics or society i hope you get that sorted out.


    Der kleine Stuhl aus Deutschland

    1. Thanks.
      The only way to get it sorted out is when that Nobel prize in total idiocy dies of a strong bones cancer.

      Not over the chair thing yet? It already said I take it all back, I don't even remember what was the disagreement about. Sorry again. Let's hate sad leech-pigs like Trudeau, not each other. She's not even at the level of a Lego chair.

  2. Sure, I'm already over the chair thing. It was neither an insult nor an offense for me.
    The literal translation into German only refers to a piece of furniture. I asked myself therefore, why not make it a nickname?

    The German press writes about the measures to protect against Covid-19
    "For the SPD politician Karl Lauterbach, these have not yet gone far enough. He wants to extend corona controls to private apartments."
    This guy said:
    "We are in a national emergency that could be worse than in the spring. The inviolability of the apartment must no longer be an argument for a lack of controls."
    The people voted for parties with such people in responsible positions, which is completely incomprehensible to me.
    The inviolability of the home is a fundamental right granted by the Grundgesetz (German Constitution), so Germans have enemies of the constitution in parliament. Everything just hurts.
    [disclaimer: google-translated because of the lack of vocabulary and of the ability to express oneself in a foreign language]

