Monday, November 29, 2021


Scorched - Echoes Of Dismemberment - 2016
Scorched - Excavated For Evisceration - 2018
Scorched - Ecliptic Butchery - 2018
01. Scorched - Echoes Of Dismemberment, 2016 CD Album
     Unspeakable Axe Records, Dark Descent Records - UAR033, UAR033
02. Scorched - Excavated For Evisceration, 2018 Vinyl 12" Compilation Limited Edition
     20 Buck Spin - SPIN095
     Bonus CD from Ecliptic Butchery
03. Scorched - Ecliptic Butchery, 2018 CD Album, CD Compilation
     20 Buck Spin - SPIN104
Death, death, death and more death. When you're haunted by ancient Vital Remains and Lemmings Project with a side of deep Grave and a visit from an obese zombie of Morbid Angel, you relish such apparitions of truly great OSDM like Scorched. Captivating, dark and of world class heaviosity - there is that Temple Of Void angle - the tanks from the caverns deliver what you crave, not electrolytes but mechanized death. Unclean yet precisely adjusted to maximize damage, the voracious attacks of Scorched leave you panting for more. May this Church prayer spawn a new Scorched release soon. The deathiverse welcomes with great lust this black star of lead and lava and hammers the triplazering calls of the zeriverse for more butchery!
Remove brackets and unzip: [butcherizer]
!ZER Scorched ZER!

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