Monday, July 15, 2019

Reload: Ratos De Porão

Ratos De Porão - Periferia 1982 - 1982
Ratos De Porão - Crucificados Pelo Sistema - 1984
Ratos De Porão - Descanse Em Paz - 1986
Ratos De Porão - Cada Dia Mais Sujo E Agressivo - 1987
Ratos De Porão - Dirty And Aggressive - 1987
Ratos De Porão - Brasil - 1989
Ratos De Porão - Brasil - 1989
Ratos De Porão - Brasil - 1989
Ratos De Porão - Brasil / Anarkophobia - 1989/1991
Ratos De Porão - Anarkophobia - 1991
Ratos De Porão - Anarkophobia - 1991
Ratos De Porão - RDP Vivo - 1992
Ratos De Porão - Just Another Crime In Massacreland - 1994
Ratos De Porão - Just Another Crime In Massacreland - 1994
Ratos De Porão - Feijoada Acidente? - Brasil - 1995

Ratos De Porão - Carniceria Tropical - 1999
Sepultura, Ratos De Porão - We Are A Fuckin' Shit! - 80's Jam Sessions - 2000
Ratos De Porão - Guerra Civil Canibal - 2001
Ratos De Porão - Sistemados Pelo Crucifa - 2001
Ratos De Porão - Onisciente Coletivo - 2002
Ratos De Porão - Ao Vivo No CBGB - 2003
Ratos De Porão - Homem Inimigo Do Homem - 2007
Ratos De Porão, Looking For An Answer - Ratos De Porão / Looking For An Answer - 2010
Ratos De Porão - No Money No English - 2012
Ratos De Porão - Século Sinistro - 2014
01. Ratos De Porão - Periferia 1982, 1982 CD Compilation
     Gravações Sem Qualidade, Gravações Sem Qualidade - 006, SQ-006
     Reissue from 1998 - demos + live tracks
02. Ratos De Porão - Crucificados Pelo Sistema, 1984 CD Album Reissue
     Devil Discos - FDS017
     Reissue from 1999
03. Ratos De Porão - Descanse Em Paz, 1986 CD Album Reissue
     Fast'N'Loud, Fast'N'Loud - FL014, FL 014
     Reissue from 1996 - 6 live bonus tracks from 1983
04. Ratos De Porão - Cada Dia Mais Sujo E Agressivo, 1987 CD Album Reissue
     Cogumelo Records, Cogumelo Records - 44-C008, COG.010
     Reissue from 0
05. Ratos De Porão - Dirty And Aggressive, 1987 CD Album
     Cogumelo Records - CD COG 011
     Reissue from 1992
06. Ratos De Porão - Brasil, 1989 Vinyl LP Album
     Roadracer Records - RO 9424-1
07. Ratos De Porão - Brasil, 1989 CD Album
     Roadracer Records, Roadracer Records - RO 9424 2, CD RO 9424 2
08. Ratos De Porão - Brasil, 1989 CD Album Reissue Limited Edition
     Metal Mind Productions - MASS CD DG 1067
     Reissue from 2007
09. Ratos De Porão - Brasil / Anarkophobia, 1989/1991 CD Compilation
     Eldorado - 584.014
     Reissue from 1994 - Portuguese versions
10. Ratos De Porão - Anarkophobia, 1991 CD Album
     Roadracer Records - RO 9326
11. Ratos De Porão - Anarkophobia, 1991 CD Album Reissue Limited Edition
     Metal Mind Productions - MASS CD DG 1068
     Reissue from 2007
12. Ratos De Porão - RDP Vivo, 1992 CD Album
     Estúdio Eldorado - 234.92.0644
13. Ratos De Porão - Just Another Crime In Massacreland, 1994 CD Album
     Roadrunner Records - RR 9015-2
14. Ratos De Porão - Just Another Crime In Massacreland, 1994 CD Album Limited Edition Reissue
     Metal Mind Productions - MASS CD DG 1069
     Reissue from 2007
15. Ratos De Porão - "Feijoada Acidente?" - Brasil, 1995 CD Album
     Roadrunner Records - RR8941-2
16. Ratos De Porão - "Feijoada Acidente?" - International, 1995 CD Album
     Roadrunner Records - RR 8926-2
     Covers of punk classics
17. Ratos De Porão - Carniceria Tropical, 1999 CD Album
     Alternative Tentacles - VIRUS 220 CD
18. Sepultura, Ratos De Porão - We Are A Fuckin' Shit! - 80's Jam Sessions, 2000 CD Compilation
     Rotthenness Records - RDCD024
19. Ratos De Porão - Guerra Civil Canibal, 2001 CD EP
     Alternative Tentacles - VIRUS 265
20. Ratos De Porão - Sistemados Pelo Crucifa, 2001 Vinyl LP Album
     Alternative Tentacles - VIRUS 249
     Turbo rerecording of the first album
21. Ratos De Porão - Onisciente Coletivo, 2002 CD Album
     Alternative Tentacles - VIRUS 291 CD
22. Ratos De Porão - Ao Vivo No CBGB, 2003 CD Album
     Peculio Discos - peculio 024/07
23. Ratos De Porão - Homem Inimigo Do Homem, 2007 CD Album
     Pinhead Records - 10042-2
24. Ratos De Porão, Looking For An Answer - Ratos De Porão / Looking For An Answer, 2010 Vinyl 10" 45 RPM
     Six Weeks - SW-120 , Compilation
     Contains 14 songs by: Ratos De Porão, Looking For An Answer
25. Ratos De Porão - No Money No English, 2012 Vinyl LP Compilation x 2
     F.O.A.D. Records, Bruak! Records - F.O.A.D. 039, none
     Demos & live 2004
26. Ratos De Porão - Século Sinistro, 2014 CD Album
     Bruak! Records, Red Star Recordings, Voice Music - none, none, VMCD95
Requested: rezerred. This is a juicy reload augmented with some of the 2007 remasters and the combined Portuguese versions of Brasil and Anarkophobia.
RDP have been the best, the zerrest of all crossover for the past 35 years. None of their peers, however crucial and groundbreaking and as subject to veneration as DRI, Verbal Abuse or Attitude Adjustment have so consistently released such an enormously head-smashing array of killer releases. Break that neck, fry that flesh, bang that skull! From terror punk to thrash metal and back again, there comes all the meat you need! Let's invoke the stinking gods of crossover for a new album, five years already! RDP RULE THE CROSSOZERIVERSE!!!
Remove brackets and unzip: [thrash til zer]
!ZER Ratos De Porão ZER!


  1. Thank you Sir!! Fucking awesome!!

  2. 16. Ratos De Porão - "Feijoada Acidente?" - International, 1995 CD Album link miss?
    i jump to 10. Ratos De Porão - Anarkophobia, 1991 CD Album DL page

    1. Ouch, sorry. Fixed - thanks for the notice.

  3. No. The pleasure is mine!
    Thank you for fix it!

  4. is no 19 b0rked? the canibal one? comes up with a different sort of "download" page, sure it said its trying to fix it?

    1. Strange, today it seems Mediafire is unable to serve this file anymore. I'll try to reload it tonight.

  5. just tried worked today cheers fella

  6. Yeah well, there seems to be something off with the different versions of the Brasil album. I just noticed there is a track called "The end" in the remastered version, track number 14, but there is already another track holding number 14, and I checked with Discogs, there should be no track "The end" on the remaster. But all the other releases of Brasil do not miss a track. It is no LP track, that's for sure, so my hunch was, it is just a double of the CD track, but the file size is different, and one of the tracks has a much lower volume than the other one, so where does it belong and where did it come from? Almost existential questions. ;-) Thx for this awesome post btw. You rule!!

    1. Must be a fuckup on my part, it is the track 14 from the 1989 CD version. Delete it.

    2. Thx. Will do. :)

  7. you are right! while most of the icons managed to squeeze out one or two recordings of total genius, the rest of their output was mediocre at best (that's what it sounds like to me). RDP did have moments I personally don't like, but what they've been producing for the last 20 years is raging AND innovative thrashcore of absolute brilliance. thank you for re-uploading this icon!





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