Inidgesti - Live (Grenoble, France),
1986 Audience tape 02. Negazione - Live (Montélimar, France), 1987 Audience tape 03. MDC - Elvis - In The Rheinland (Live In Berlin), 1988 Vinyl LP Album Destiny Records - 05147 04. Destruction - Live Without Sense, 1989 Vinyl LP Noise International - FW 44454 05. Raped Teenagers - Your Choice Live Series, 1990 Vinyl LP Your Choice Records - YC-LS 007 06. Verbal Abuse - Of America, 1990 Vinyl LP Album Destiny Records - 05256/08 RELOAD ALARM! The Rammer rip made me realize a little late that a few weeks ago I inadvertently switched on a setting that introduced a 2 second blank between each sound file. No big deal except for live recordings where this blank really is annoying so I regenerated the affected live releases (glad that I am so lazy and do not cleanup the computer that often, I still had the wav files) No new rips, just better file separation for these classic killer thrashing monsters. The Rammer rip was also cleaned-up & reloaded, in case you got the bad version with blanks between songs. Sorry for the fuck-up. Remove brackets and unzip: [soudure] !ZER Indigesti, Negazione, Destruction, MDC, Verbal Abuse ZER! |
The DOGE Bait and Switch
3 hours ago
Incorect Pasword for the Negazione live file!, cheers!