Friday, December 14, 2018

The Meads Of Asphodel

The Meads Of Asphodel - The Excommunication Of Christ - 2001
The Meads Of Asphodel, Mayhem - Freezing Moon, Carnage / Jihad - 2002
The Meads Of Asphodel - Exhuming The Grave Of Yeshua - 2003
The Meads Of Asphodel - The Mill Hill Sessions - 2004
The Meads Of Asphodel - Damascus Steel - 2005
The Meads Of Asphodel - In The Name Of God, Welcome To Planet Genocide - 2006
The Meads Of Asphodel - The Early Years - 2009
The Meads Of Asphodel - The Murder Of Jesus The Jew - 2010
The Meads Of Asphodel, Old Corpse Road - The Bones Of This Land Are Not Speechless / English Black Punk Metal - 2010
The Meads Of Asphodel - Sonderkommando - 2013
01. The Meads Of Asphodel - The Excommunication Of Christ, 2001 CD Album
     Supernal Music - FERLY005CD
02. The Meads Of Asphodel, Mayhem - Freezing Moon, Carnage / Jihad, 2002 CD
     Supernal Music - Ferly007CD , Compilation
     Contains 8 songs by: The Meads Of Asphodel, Mayhem
03. The Meads Of Asphodel - Exhuming The Grave Of Yeshua, 2003 CD Album Limited Edition
     Supernal Music - Ferly010CD
04. The Meads Of Asphodel - The Mill Hill Sessions, 2004 CD Compilation
     Godreah Records - FAFF04CD
05. The Meads Of Asphodel - Damascus Steel, 2005 CD Album Limited Edition
     Supernal Music - FERLY020CD
06. The Meads Of Asphodel - In The Name Of God, Welcome To Planet Genocide, 2006 CD EP
     Firestorm Records - FSR006CD
07. The Meads Of Asphodel - The Early Years, 2009 CD Compilation
     Godreah Records - FAFF05CD
08. The Meads Of Asphodel - The Murder Of Jesus The Jew, 2010 CD Album
     Candlelight Records - CANDLE324CD
09. The Meads Of Asphodel, Old Corpse Road - The Bones Of This Land Are Not Speechless / English Black Punk Metal, 2010 CD Album
     Godreah Records - FAFF009 , Compilation
     Contains 10 songs by: The Meads Of Asphodel, Old Corpse Road
10. The Meads Of Asphodel - Sonderkommando, 2013 CD Album
     Candlelight Records - CANDLE392CD
Swords, crucifixions and headbanging! TMOA is a strange beast of polymorphous black metal - almost sailing the seas of Sigh. If you hate Sigh, the probability you will hate TMOA is high. Twelve dozen tons of weirdness equip this lot with the devices needed to survive in an ocean of generic black metal, which they really are not. If early Darkthrone teamed up with Bolt Thrower to hire a gang of violinists and then kidnapped a chamber music orchestra to create hybrid music that ranges from Mayhem to Rammstein - and of course the holy Sigh! -  while watching Holy Grail, they would name themselves The Meads of Asphodel. Some sections are cheesy as fuck and I suspect it is deliberate, just like the LOL-inducing medieval photos. This is a unique band, very much tongue in cheek, with teeth grinding moments alternating with pure headbanging bliss. A unique beast of metal and definitely British! Brilliant beyond zeristic horizons!
Remove brackets and unzip: [fetchez la vache]
!ZER The Meads Of Asphodel ZER!


  1. Strange beast all right. High marks for their effort to fuse a variety of different creative impulses into a singular whole. Sometimes it works, sometimes its cringe worthy, as experimentation and boundary pushing sometimes goes. Particularly dig the jihad themed stuff. Hearty thanks for the post.

  2. If Die Apokalyptischen Reiter and Bal-Sagoth had a baby...




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