Monday, December 3, 2018

Ramming Speed

Ramming Speed - Brainwreck - 2009
Ramming Speed - Doomed To Destroy, Destined To Die - 2013
Ramming Speed - No Epitaphs - 2015
01. Ramming Speed - Brainwreck, 2008 CD Album
     Candlelight Records USA - CDL427CD
02. Ramming Speed - Doomed To Destroy, Destined To Die, 2013 CD Album
     Prosthetic Records - 10161-2
03. Ramming Speed - No Epitaphs, 2015 CD Album
     Prosthetic Records - PROS102152
Thrash til zer! Here comes another severe rebuttal of my conservative view of hardcore thrash and crossover: "was only done well in the 80s". Nobody may have surpassed Ludichrist, Raw Power and Beyond Possession so far, yet the crossover addict shall find in Ramming Speed all the magical ingredients needed to bang that head just as effectively. Imagine Attitude Adjustment adjusted with the speed and restlessness of that crazy drummer on the first Mastodon album, awesome dual guitar works that R.K.L. would have been proud of and all the heaviness of Converge processed through the Universal Rock Machine, as instructed by Annihilation Time. Infectious thrashing and neck breaking and head smashing! So yes, on the surface Ramming Speed seem to recycle the good old 80s recipe of mixing hardcore and thrash metal - and maybe the first album, not their best, is just that - but the intensity and the performance on the last two albums just scream "MASTERPIECE!". This stuff is extra high caliber material, the musicianship and production are top notch, and the general style incorporates as much frantic energy as catchy phrases and excellent riffs - so intense and filled with greatness it is almost exhausting to listen to in one siting. Blast Doomed To Destroy at 11 to get what I mean. As much as I love Iron Reagan or Dr Living Dead, Ramming Speed are far more incisive and impressive - they are my heroes of modern crossover. Fast, loud, motörizing superior killer crossover explosion of the triplazer!
Remove brackets and unzip: [ramming zer]
!ZER Ramming Speed ZER!


  1. Love the classics, but listened and jammed to them so much some freshness gets lost. I look forward to hearing this. To my ears some new thrash is great. Especially been digging Gama Bomb's last few albums & Evile's "5 Serpent's Teeth" has some ragers. Chef de Pirate.

  2. You are correct: Thrash, Hardcore, Crossover, Grindcore, Death ... all peaked in the late 80s!!! That's why it's so awesome when you stumble upon a new band that still manages to sound fresh ... just listened to this upload and it is fantastic!!!

    Thank you for introducing us to yet another great band!!!




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