S41 - S41,
2006 CD Album MCR Company - MCR-204 Did you enjoy the previous post? Are you an avid fan of Fuck On The Beach? Would you like 10 more minutes of such aural savagery? THEN CLICK IMMEDIATELY! S41 deliver a short and intense avalanche of thrashing power violence, Japanese style, i.e. with that extra layer of madness and abrasion. Short, sharp, zer and rezer and triplazer! Remove brackets and unzip: [spring is coming] !ZER S41 ZER! |
Monday Open Thread
2 hours ago
Merci, c'est moi qui t'avais posé une question sur cet album y'a quelques temps, j'ai complètement oublié de voir si tu avais répondu, je m'aperçois que oui et un upload en prime ! Merci encore !