Die Kreuzen - Die Kreuzen,
1984 Vinyl LP Album Touch And Go, Touch And Go - T&GLP #4, T&G LP 4 NRAR. Our friend Laurent rightfully compared early Voïvod and Die Kreuzen and yes, there is a neighboring vibe. Let us use this vinyl rip to run a comparison test. One of the very best hardcore albums of all time! Remove brackets and unzip: [zer and decay] !ZER Die Kreuzen ZER! PS: the next post will start the removal of Voïvod entries. Grab them while you can. |
The Deal with Eric Adams is NOT a "Plea Bargain"
3 hours ago
Argh quel album ! je crois qu'à chaque fois que j'ai acheté les suivants c'était en espérant qqch dans la veine de celui-là. Tout est bon, le son de la basse, la bastoche incroyable, la gratte malsaine et cette voix.
ReplyDeleteOne of my all-time favorite records. Like a turd I traded my vinyl away when cd's came along, and all the rest of their stuff. I had just missed seeing their late '85 tour with D.R.I., but finally caught them when they returned to Florida for their last tour after Cement ('91 or early '92).
ReplyDeleteI think this stuff still burns away much of its modern day competition. I work at a high school and most of the students think My Chemical Romance is still amazeballs, and bad-ass as fuck with their haughty poses. I am not allowed to mock their Pierce The Veil mall t-shirts as they move through the halls between classes. At least there is one kid with a Despised Icon hoodie, but he stared stupidly at me when I asked him about Napalm Death the other day, so I doubt I will be asking him about Die Kreuzen. Argh. They have no idea how lame their whiny, "You don't love /understand me" teen angstpop has always been and yet I am the lame one because I wear a button shirt and slacks per my work dress code (although I secretly wear the new Levi's that look kinda like chinos yet are still denim jeans. FUCK YOU ESTABLISHMENT FASCISTS!!).
I want to throw this out there to any kiddies watching:
Pretty much anyone with the cash can and will get a tattoo these days. It doesn't make you bad or tough or whatever the hell you think Avenged Sevenfold are; they didn't get those in prison or the Marine Corps or while wasted and in possession of ink and sewing needles. I have suspicions about bands that go from formation to platinum record/multi-city tour status within a few short years.
Anyway, back to the topic. October File was also pretty good in a decidedly different way; certainly didn't seem to go over well with folks who saw the show I missed in '85, but I like it. Not on a Zer-level, obviously.
Yeah buy a tattoo, grow bad facial hair and act as if you were a Son Of Anarchy while listening to bad deathcore, yo!
DeleteI am not surprised that a pseudo-death/grindcore loving kid doe snot know shit about ND. I used to play in a black metal band in 96 and the singer had never heard of Celtic Frost. I quit.
October File becomes great once the surprise of not getting nailed against the wall of noise is swallowed.