Friday, September 8, 2017


Sacrifice - Torment In Fire - 1985
Sacrifice - Torment In Fire - 1985
Sacrifice - Forward To Termination - 1987
Sacrifice - Forward To Termination - 1987
Sacrifice - Soldiers Of Misfortune - 1990
Sacrifice - Soldiers Of Misfortune - 1990
Sacrifice - Apocalypse Inside - 1993
Sacrifice - The Ones I Condemn - 2009
01. Sacrifice - Torment In Fire, 1985 CD Compilation Reissue Limited Edition x 2
     Marquee Records - MR018
     Reissue from 2005 - Live 1984/1986
02. Sacrifice - Torment In Fire, 1985 CD Compilation Reissue Limited Edition x 2
     Marquee Records - MR018
     Reissue from 2005 - includes The Exorcism demo
03. Sacrifice - Forward To Termination, 1987 CD Compilation x 2
     Marquee Records - MR020
     Reissue from 2005 - includes FTT demo & live tracks
04. Sacrifice - Forward To Termination, 1987 CD Compilation x 2
     Marquee Records - MR020
     Reissue from 2005 - Live 1986/1988
05. Sacrifice - Soldiers Of Misfortune, 1990 CD Reissue x 2
     Marquee Records - MR028
     Reissue from 2006 - includes 1989 demo, live 1988 & 1992 outtakes
06. Sacrifice - Soldiers Of Misfortune, 1990 CD Reissue x 2
     Marquee Records - MR028
     Reissue from 2006 - Live 1989/1990
07. Sacrifice - Apocalypse Inside, 1993 CD Album
     Metal Blade Records - 3984-14267
08. Sacrifice - The Ones I Condemn, 2009 CD Album Limited Edition
     Marquee Records - MR050
Classic thrash metal attack! No introduction necessary. From Slayer / Haunting the Chapel worship to variations of the sophistication of the Coroner vibe, Sacrifice thrash with perfection. Especially the answer to Dark Angel Forward To Termination. No bad sector - the newest album is a fantastic return, and it is probably my favorite. They are still playing and I do hope there will be other releases before 2027. Thrash til triplarezer! The 80s will never die!!
If anyone wished to get rid of a pair of tickets for their gig at the Wings Of Metal festival tomorrow, let me know. Fucking thing has been sold out since May.
Remove brackets and unzip: [zermination]
!ZER Sacrifice ZER!

Let's SACRIFICE in fire & brimstone the propagators of these abominations that are spreading on the streets of Montreal:

1 comment:

  1. Apocalypse Inside had a lot of riffs written by Mark Watts of Dark Legion, but later he changed the story and denied it.
    I guess his brother Scott or somebody in the band talked to him about saying anything to his friends, and that info spreading around. They let him use their rehearsal space and maybe shared getting high with him.
    Sacrifice already pilfered Dark Legion's drummer, and with the weird guitar licks that sounded a lot like the last lineup of Dark Legion, it is then hard to deny why Apocalypse Inside sounded teh way it did.




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