Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sudden Impact

Sudden Impact - No Rest From The Wicked 1985-1986
Sudden Impact - No Rest From The Wicked 1986
Sudden Impact - Split Personnality 1988
01. Sudden Impact - No Rest From The Wicked, 1985-1986 CD
     Marquee Records, Compilation
     2007 remaster - 1-12: LP, 13-22: FREAKED OUT DEMO, 23-30: LIVE AT FOUFOUNES ELECTRIQUES (10/04/86), 31-32: JAMES 0 SESSION
02. Sudden Impact - No Rest From The Wicked, 1986 LP
     Fringe Product - FPL3019
03. Sudden Impact - Split Personnality, 1988 LP
     Fringe Product - FPL3056
Old request fulfilled at last! These records age very gracefully, the greatness of the early crossover made by Sudden Impact always flows with much zeritude into the aural conduits. Sudden Impact rock you to zer!
!ZER Sudden Impact ZER!
Remove brackets and unzip: [no zer from the wicked]

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sacramentary Abolishment + Axis Of Advance

Axis Of Advance - Landline 1999
Axis Of Advance - Strike 2001
Axis Of Advance - The List 2002
Axis Of Advance - Obey 2004
Axis Of Advance - Purify 2006
Sacramentary Abolishment - River Of Corticone 1996
Sacramentary Abolishment - The Distracting Stone 1997
01. Axis Of Advance - Landline, 1999 12''
     Grief Foundation - GRIEFLP003
     2008 reissue
02. Axis Of Advance - Strike, 2001 CD
     Death To Mankind - DTM004
03. Axis Of Advance - The List, 2002 CD
     Osmose Productions - OPCD 137
04. Axis Of Advance - Obey, 2004 CD
     Osmose Productions - OPCD 162
05. Axis Of Advance - Purify, 2006 MCD
     Osmose Productions - OPCD 175
06. Sacramentary Abolishment - River Of Corticone, 1996 CD
     Catharsis Records - CASA1
07. Sacramentary Abolishment - The Distracting Stone, 1997 CD
     Catharsis Records - CASA2
The return of darkness and evil! It is high time for the non requested rezer of the most destructive Canadian black death attack ever unleashed. The swansong Purify reaches ridiculous levels of intensity and sonic concussion, attach your wig and insure your denture before listening. Every time you play an Axis Of Advance song, the Universe vaporizes five tons of black matter. Forward we hack to complete decay of the continuum. It is the final ecstasy of guilty soundgasm. Everything ends in rot.
!ZER Axis Of Abolishment ZER!
Remove brackets and unzip: [you will be punished]

Friday, April 26, 2013


Chainsaw - Nothing Will Change.... 1999
Chainsaw - Louder Than God 2000
Chainsaw - Believe Only For Itself 2002
Chainsaw - Just Need It 7'' 2002
Chainsaw - No (Since 1991) 2002
Chainsaw - Monopolized 7'' 2004
01. Chainsaw - Nothing Will Change...., 1999 MCD
     Blood Sucker Records - BSR-041
02. Chainsaw - Louder Than God, 2000 MCD
     Blood Sucker Records - BSR-054
03. Chainsaw - Believe Only For Itself, 2002 CD
     Six Weeks - 6W-70
04. Chainsaw - Just Need It 7'', 2002 7''
     Even Worse Records - EW-002
05. Chainsaw - No (Since 1991), 2002 CD
     Six Weeks - SW71, Compilation
     1991/2001 material
06. Chainsaw - Monopolized 7'', 2004 7''
     Even Worse Records
From punk til zer! More or less Japan's Poison Idea replica with a Battalion Of Saints layer, Chainsaw rock til you drop!
!ZER Chainsaw ZER!
Remove brackets and unzip: [zerrer than god]

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gargoyle - 奇獣

Gargoyle - 奇獣 2013
01. Gargoyle - 奇獣, 2013 CD
     Daiki Sound - DAKFCCD-42
Long live CDJapan and worldwide postal services! Please welcome the newest Gargoyle masterpiece. This is the complete recipe with the hard rock anthems, the heavy metal marches, the fast thrashers and the ballad. This is Gargoyle. Rejoice for eternal Gargoylizer!!!
!ZER Gargoyle ZER!
Remove brackets and unzip: [zer Gargoyle forever]

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Lärm - Extreme Noise 1981/1987
Lärm - Never Too Old For Pogo 1984/1986
Lärm - Noone Can Be That Dumb 7'' 1986
Lärm - Straight On View 1986
Lärm - Definitive Farewells 1989
Lärm - Extreme Noise Terrorism 7'' 1995
Lärm - Lärm 2010
Seein' Red - Discography 1993-1995 1995
01. Lärm - Extreme Noise, 1981/1987 CD
     Coalition Records - LKW CD002, Compilation
     1-27: Campaign For Musical Destruction split LP Stanx, 28-42: No One Can Be That Dumb 7'', 43-59: side A of Straight On View, 60-72: Nothing Is Hard In This World... 7'', 73-75: demo 1981
02. Lärm - Never Too Old For Pogo, 1984/1986 LP
     bootleg, Compilation
     1-16: demo 1984, 17-22: demo 1986, 23-34: Destroy Sexism 7'', 35-63: live in Germany 1985
03. Lärm - Noone Can Be That Dumb 7'', 1986 7''
     Lärm - LS 198606
04. Lärm - Straight On View, 1986 LP
     One Step Ahead Records
05. Lärm - Definitive Farewells, 1989 Tape
     Broken Tapes - B.T.03, Compilation
06. Lärm - Extreme Noise Terrorism 7'', 1995 7''
     Kaal Records - Kaal 01
07. Lärm - Lärm, 2010 LP
     Way Back When Records - WBW 22
08. Seein' Red - Discography 1993-1995, 1995 CD
     Coalition Records - LKW 011, Compilation
     1-4: It Takes Three To Fuck Things Up 7'', 5-11: More Of The Same 7'', 12-18: Trefwoord Punk 7'', 19-23: Backbone Split 7'' With Stack
Thrash til noise! The legend of aural abrasion badly needed this reload. Even if, unbelievably, I could not find my copy of the Nothing Is Hard In This World 7'', no one can be that dumb. But you have it on the Extreme Noise CD, ah. Speed and chainsaws! The noisiest fastest band before grindcore! Let the noisefest begin!
!ZER Lärm ZER!
Remove brackets and unzip: [straight on zer]

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Executioner - In The Name Of Metal 1986
Executioner - Break The Silence 1987
Executioner - The Storm After The Calm 1987/1990
01. Executioner - In The Name Of Metal, 1986 LP
     New Renaissance Records - NRR-05
02. Executioner - Break The Silence, 1987 LP
     New Renaissance Records - NRR-24
03. Executioner - The Storm After The Calm, 1987/1990 CD
     Wicked Loud, Compilation
     released in 1999
Requested? Rezerred. Raw, fast and noisy, maybe not the hottest segment of 80s thrash metal history, but what a nostalgia trip, I'm 18 again.
!ZER Executioner ZER!
Remove brackets and unzip: [In the name of zer]

Friday, April 19, 2013

Government Issue

Government Issue - No Way Out '82 (Live) 1982
Government Issue - Boycott Stabb 1983
Government Issue - Joy Ride 1984
Government Issue - The Fun Just Never Ends 1984
Government Issue - Live 1985
Government Issue - The Fun Just Never Ends 1985
Government Issue - Government Issue 1986
Government Issue - You 1987
Government Issue - Strange Wine Live At Cbgb August 30, 1987 1987/1988
Government Issue - Crash 1988
Government Issue - Finale Live At The Ritz, Nyc 2-5-88 And Kfjc-Fm 11-11-89 1989
01. Government Issue - No Way Out '82 (Live), 1982 LP
     Lost And Found Records - LF 022
     1990 release of a live recording at CBGB on March 18, 1982
02. Government Issue - Boycott Stabb, 1983 LP
     Reflex/Wolfpack Records - Reflex 04
     2002 reissue with live bonus songs
03. Government Issue - Joy Ride, 1984 LP
     Fountain Of Youth Records - FOY 009
04. Government Issue - The Fun Just Never Ends + Joy Ride, 1984 CD
     Giant Records - GRI 6039-2, Compilation
     1990 reissue, with Sheer Terror missing
05. Government Issue - Live, 1985 LP
     Mystic Records - MLP33144
06. Government Issue - The Fun Just Never Ends, 1985 LP
     Fountain Of Youth Records - FOY 017
07. Government Issue - Government Issue, 1986 CD
     Giant Records - GRI 6040-2
08. Government Issue - You, 1987 CD
     Giant Records - HH 6100-2
09. Government Issue - Strange Wine Live At Cbgb August 30, 1987, 1987/1988 CD
     Dr. Strange Records - DSR 92
     2003 reissue, 1-25: live at CBGB 1987, 26-28: studio 1988
10. Government Issue - Crash, 1988 CD
     Giant Records - GRI 6028-2
11. Government Issue - Finale Live At The Ritz, Nyc 2-5-88 And Kfjc-Fm 11-11-89, 1989 CD
     Lost And Found Records - LF 012
This is a request dearly rezerred because GI were greater than great, they are at the center of the universe of the Eternal Zer Top Ten. Like Die Kreuzen, Bad Brains and other inhabitants of the EZTT, they evolved from rough & abrasive hardcore with a very personal sound to very groovy catchy male rock in 1986. I love the entire GI discography, every second of it, it sticks to the neuron, and I'll never be thankful enough for the invention of alternative current and amplifiers. Government Issue everywhere all the time!
Legless Bull 7" and other tracks available on the Dischord compilations.
!ZER Government Issue ZER!
Remove brackets and unzip: [the zer just never ends]

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Warcollapse - Crust As Fuck Existence 1995
Warcollapse - Divine Intoxication 1999
Warcollapse - Live Intoxication 2004
Warcollapse - Defy! 2007
01. Warcollapse - Crust As Fuck Existence, 1995 MCD
     Distortion Records - DISTCD18
02. Warcollapse - Divine Intoxication, 1999 CD
     Malarie Records
03. Warcollapse - Live Intoxication, 2004 10''
     Malarie Records
04. Warcollapse - Defy!, 2007 CD
     Malarie Records
It was requested, it is rezerred. The Scandinavian death machine, the lethal attack of thrashing crust, the bringer of fast punishment, the superior majesty of the post-Discharge | Amebix wave of black hardcore demolition, Warcollapse defy!
More Warcollapse on the Distortion To Hell compilations. Fuck yeah.
!ZER Warcollapse ZER!
Remove brackets and unzip: [zer intoxication]
And now, for something completely different:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013


Hirax - Live 1984 1984
Hirax - Blasted In Bangkok 10'' 1984/2001
Hirax - Raging Violence 1985
Hirax - Hate, Fear & Power 1986
Hirax - Not Dead Yet 1987
Hirax - Split 7'' Hirax 1997
Hirax - El Diablo Negro Pic 7'' 2000
Hirax - Barrage Of Noise 2002
Hirax - The New Age Of Terror 2004
Hirax - Assassins Of War 2006
Hirax - Chaos And Brutality 2007
Hirax - Thrash And Destroy-2-Metal Forces Night 2007
Hirax - El Rostro De La Muerte (The Face Of Death) 2009
Phantasm - Wreckage 1987
01. Hirax - Live 1984, 1984 Tape
02. Hirax - Blasted In Bangkok 10'', 1984/2001 10''
     Deep Six Records - DEEP SIX 32, Compilation
     1-2: 7'', 3: from split 7'' with Spazz, 4: from Metal Massacre VI
03. Hirax - Raging Violence, 1985 LP
     Metal Blade Records - MBR 1045
04. Hirax - Hate, Fear & Power, 1986 LP
     Metal Blade Records - MBR 1076
05. Hirax - Not Dead Yet, 1987 CD
     Black Devil Records, Compilation
     1-14: Raging Violence, 15-22: Hate, Fear And Power
06. Hirax - Split 7'' Hirax, 1997 Split 7''
     Theologian Records - T-56
07. Hirax - El Diablo Negro Pic 7'', 2000 7''
     Black Devil Records
08. Hirax - Barrage Of Noise, 2002 MCD
     Deep Six Records - DS-36
09. Hirax - The New Age Of Terror, 2004 CD
     Mausoleum Records - 251052
10. Hirax - Assassins Of War, 2006 MCD
     Deep Six Records - DS89CD
11. Hirax - Chaos And Brutality, 2007 MCD
     Selfmadegod Records - SMG 037
12. Hirax - Thrash And Destroy-2-Metal Forces Night, 2007 DVD
     Deep Six Records - DS-95
13. Hirax - El Rostro De La Muerte (The Face Of Death), 2009 CD
     Selfmadegod Records - SMG 057
14. Phantasm - Wreckage, 1987 CD
     Black Devil Records
     1-6: 1987 demo, 7-15: live 1987
Looooong overdue Hirax zerification, yes! After the first encounter through Metal Massacre VI, I could not not own Raging Violence, and everything that followed, especially Hate, Fear & Power. This is classic killer 80s thrash speed metal, period. Trivial Pursuit cheat card: logo designed by Celtic Tom Warrior, included drummer from DRI Eric Brecht (Hate, Fear & Power), Raging Violence artwork by Pushead, while Phantasm (post-Hirax) included Dark Angel drummer Gene Hoglan and ex Metallica bassist Ron Mc Govney. Highway to zer!
!ZER Hirax ZER!
Remove brackets and unzip: [raging zer]


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