Thursday, January 31, 2019


Didjits - Hey Judester - 1988
Didjits - Fizzjob - 1989
Didjits - Hornet Pinata - 1990
Didjits - Full Nelson Reilly - 1991
Didjits - Que Sirhan Sirhan - 1993
01. Didjits - Hey Judester, 1988 Vinyl LP Album
     Touch And Go, Touch And Go - T & GLP#28, T&GLP#28
02. Didjits - Fizzjob, 1989 Vinyl LP Album Reissue
     Touch And Go, Bam Bam Records - T&GLP#42, T&GLP#42
03. Didjits - Hornet Pinata, 1990 CD Album
     Touch And Go - T&GLP#51CD
04. Didjits - Full Nelson Reilly, 1991 CD Album
     Touch And Go - T&GLP#71CD
05. Didjits - Que Sirhan Sirhan, 1993 CD Album
     Touch And Go - TG107CD
Let's rock, let's roll, let's punk it up! Didjits played it raw and simple with a focus on the rocking side of the typical sweeeeeeet sound of 80s US punk rock. Saw them live in Geneva in 93, dickhead rock star singer, great show. Expect no innovation, acrobatics, extremity nor any revelation here, this is plain, high consumption music, not R&D. And they are totally excellent at recycling! Fans of the Dickies, Sloppy Seconds, Dead Boys etc. should not miss these ones. Punk til zer!
Remove brackets and unzip: [moustache]
!ZER Didjits ZER!

Have you checked my solo album? LOL.

Monday, January 28, 2019


Oz - Heavy - Metal Heroes / Hey You - 1982
Oz - Fire In The Brain - 1984
Oz - III Warning - 1984
01. Oz - Heavy - Metal Heroes / Hey You, 1982 Vinyl LP Album
     Wave, Wave - WAVE-LP-8005, 8005
02. Oz - Fire In The Brain, 1984 Vinyl LP Album
     Combat, Combat - MX 8006, MX-8006
03. Oz - III Warning, 1984 Vinyl LP Album
     RCA, RCA - PL 70564, PL70564
Heavy metal is the law! Let's indulge in warm nostalgia with this Finnish legend that I discovered on the Scandinavian Metal Attack compilations. The first album is a competent hard rock release with fist-in-the-air anthems, well done and rather catchy - but not producing the sparks coming from their contemporary counterparts in Raven or Saxon. Now the second and third albums are much closer to the classic mark. These two albums are rich in powerful and super catchy songs, try not to headbang! It is still basic rocking metal in early 80s fashion, but with greater added value than on the debut. These choruses will stay with you for days! Brilliant brain seduction. I used to own another album from the 90s and it was very bad, got rid of it, cannot comment on the rest of the discography. Just bang you head on these early killer releases until the wig falls off!
Remove brackets and unzip: [ozer]

Friday, January 25, 2019

Reload: Bl'ast + Spaceboy + Gargantula

Bl'ast - The Power Of Expression - 1986
Bl'ast - The Power Of Expression - 1986
Bl'ast - The Expression Of Power - 1986
Bl'ast - It's In My Blood! - 1987
Bl'ast - Blood! - 1987
Bl'ast - It's In My Blood! - 1987
Bl'ast - Take The Manic Ride - 1989
Bl'ast - Take The Manic Ride - 1989
Spaceboy - Getting Warm On The Trail Of Heat - 1998
Spaceboy - Getting Warm On The Trail Of Heat - 1998
Spaceboy - The Force That Holds Together A Heart Torn To Pieces - 2000
Spaceboy - The Force That Holds Together A Heart Torn To Pieces - 2000
Spaceboy - Searching The Stone Library For The Green Page Of Illusion - 2002
Gargantula - Infinitasm - 2004
01. Bl'ast - The Power Of Expression, 1986 Vinyl LP Album
     Roadrunner Records - RR 9713
02. Bl'ast - The Power Of Expression, 1986 CD Album Reissue
     SST Records - SST CD 148
     Reissue from 1990
03. Bl'ast - The Expression Of Power, 1986 Vinyl LP x 3
     Southern Lord - LORD179
     Reissue from 2014 - Includes the three recordings of the album - remastered
04. Bl'ast - It's In My Blood!, 1987 CD Album Reissue
     SST Records - SST CD 106
     Reissue from 1990 - bonus = 11-13: School's Out 7''
05. Bl'ast - Blood!, 1987 Vinyl LP Album, Vinyl 7" Single
     Southern Lord - LORD189
     Reissue from 2013 - Alternate version with 2nd guitar track - remixed & includes 7''
06. Bl'ast - It's In My Blood!, 1987 Vinyl LP Album
     SST Records - SST 106
07. Bl'ast - Take The Manic Ride, 1989 Vinyl LP Album
     SST Records - SST 225
08. Bl'ast - Take The Manic Ride, 1989 CD Album
     SST Records - SST CD 225
     Reissue from 1991
09. Spaceboy - Getting Warm On The Trail Of Heat, 1998 Vinyl LP Album
     Frenetic Records - FR-005
10. Spaceboy - Getting Warm On The Trail Of Heat, 1998 CD Album
     Frenetic Records - FR-005
11. Spaceboy - The Force That Holds Together A Heart Torn To Pieces, 2000 Vinyl 10" 33 ⅓ RPM
     Howling Bull America - HBA017
12. Spaceboy - The Force That Holds Together A Heart Torn To Pieces, 2000 CD EP
     Howling Bull America - HBA017
13. Spaceboy - Searching The Stone Library For The Green Page Of Illusion, 2002 CD Album
     Southern Lord - SUNN18
14. Gargantula - Infinitasm, 2004 CD Album
     Not On Label - GM01
Requested: rezerred.
Remove brackets and unzip: [spaceblastula]
!ZER Bl'ast, Spaceboy, Gargantula ZER!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Demona - Metal Through The Time - 2012
Demona - Speaking With The Devil - 2013
01. Demona - Metal Through The Time, 2012 CD Album
     Dying Victims Productions - DVP 17
02. Demona - Speaking With The Devil, 2013 CD Album
     Infernö Records - IR021CD
Chilean speed metal! Chilean, yet recorded (composed?) in Canada because the young lady who founded the band and handles the guitar and the microphone likes to travel. The first album is an excellent tribute to 80s speed metal, the second album is a killer bomb of 80s speed metal. Female vocals immediately casts them to the Acid | Znöwhite subdivision, and it is well deserved : Demona replicates the greatness in both these bands from the very catchy, energetic, full velocity songs to the excellent execution and production. Speaking With The Devil is faster than Znöwhite! And just as addictive. Brilliant! If you don't care for speed metal, do not bother. If you crave speed metal, you just found your new drug. All hail triplazering speedmetalizing Demona!
Remove brackets and unzip: [speedmetalizer]
!ZER Demona ZER!

Friday, January 18, 2019


Dismember - Like An Ever Flowing Stream - 1991
Dismember - Pieces - 1992
Dismember - Indecent And Obscene - 1993
Dismember - Casket Garden - 1995
Dismember - Massive Killing Capacity - 1995
Dismember - Death Metal - 1997
Dismember - Misanthropic - 1997
Dismember - Hate Campaign - 2000
Dismember - Where Ironcrosses Grow - 2004
Dismember - The God That Never Was - 2006
Dismember - Dismember - 2008
01. Dismember - Like An Ever Flowing Stream, 1991 CD Album
     Nuclear Blast - NB 047 CD
02. Dismember - Pieces, 1992 CD EP
     Nuclear Blast - NB 060 CD
03. Dismember - Indecent And Obscene, 1993 CD Album
     Nuclear Blast America - NBA RED 6088-2
04. Dismember - Casket Garden, 1995 CD Maxi-Single
     Nuclear Blast - NB 130-2
05. Dismember - Massive Killing Capacity, 1995 CD Album
     Nuclear Blast, Nuclear Blast, Nuclear Blast - CD NB 123 - 2, 27361 61232, NB 123-2
06. Dismember - Death Metal, 1997 CD Album
     Nuclear Blast - 7 27361 62502 3
07. Dismember - Misanthropic, 1997 CD Single
     Nuclear Blast - 27361 62542
08. Dismember - Hate Campaign, 2000 CD Album
     Nuclear Blast, Nuclear Blast - NB 419-2, 27361 64192
09. Dismember - Where Ironcrosses Grow, 2004 CD Album
     Candlelight Records USA - Canus0091CD
10. Dismember - The God That Never Was, 2006 CD Album
     Hellion Records - HEL 0538
11. Dismember - Dismember, 2008 CD Album
     Regain Records - RR118
Hail to Sweden! No introduction necessary. The band that co-popularized worldwide the trademark Swedish death metal sound remains as dirty and aggressive as ever. When you're in the mood for thrash metal-velocity death metal that brings together massive neck ache through catchy riffs within the structures of classic heavy metal, the doctor recommends an unlimited dosage of Dismember. This should also cater to the needs of fans of Sodom and 80s crust thrash hardcore punk. The only mediocre album here is the sluggish Massive Killing Capacity, never liked it, boring and flat. My favorite is the last one where they reach the pinnacle of their art of mixing early Maiden riffing with the bulldozing of Slayer and Venom. Masterpiece!
I recorded them live in 2006 (along with Grave and Brutal Truth), have to exhume that collection of noisy things from the bowels of my basement. Dismemberizer triplazering thrashing death forever!
Remove brackets and unzip: [swedesaw]
!ZER Dismember ZER!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Reload: Hellbastard

Hellbastard - Ripper Crust - 1986
Hellbastard - Heading For More Darkness - 1988
Hellbastard - Natural Order - 1990
Hellbastard - The Good Go First - 2000
Hellbastard - The Need To Kill - 2009
Hellbastard - Discography 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 2009
Hellbastard - Eco War - 2009
Hellbastard - Sons Of Bitches - 2013
01. Hellbastard - Ripper Crust, 1986 Vinyl LP Remastered Reissue Limited Edition
     Agipunk - AG60
     Reissue from 2009
02. Hellbastard - Heading For More Darkness, 1988 CD Album Reissue
     Bomb Factory Records - BFRCD009
     Reissue from 1998 - 1-9: Heading For Internal Darkness, 10-18: live
03. Hellbastard - Natural Order, 1990 Vinyl LP Album
     Earache - MOSH 22
04. Hellbastard - The Good Go First, 2000 Vinyl LP Limited Edition Numbered
     Dirty Thrash Records - DIRTY-002 LP
     2000 LP reissue of the 1987 and 1995 demos
05. Hellbastard - The Need To Kill, 2009 CD Album
     Selfmadegod Records - SMG 055
06. Hellbastard - Discography 1986 - 1987 - 1988, 2009 CD Compilation
     Shaman Records - SR-021
     1-6 from Heading for Internal Darkness, 7-11: They Brought Death ep, 12-16 from Ripper Crust, 17 from Hate Militia
07. Hellbastard - Eco War, 2009 CD Mini
     Selfmadegod Records - SMG 056
08. Hellbastard - Sons Of Bitches, 2013 Vinyl 12" 33 ⅓ RPM EP
     PATAC Records - PATAC-023
Requested: rezerred.
FLAC links to the latest album Feral and the two split releases w/Dresden & Herida Profunda are very welcome.
Remove brackets and unzip: [thrashhammer]
!ZER Hellbastard ZER!


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