From Open Drive:
"I have checked your account, and it was closed due to a copyright report on several of the files you have been sharing. This, as you may already know, is a violation of our terms of service. Unfortunately, we will be unable to reopen the account unless you can furnish proof that all files on the account belong to you or that you have been given permission to share the files.
The files that were included in the report are:
Terveet Kädet - Ääretön Propaganda
Terveet Kädet - Mi Enthalvan Tk Historiaan 1980-1984
Terveet Kädet - Pissaa Ja Paskaa
Terveet Kädet – Halloween
Kaaos - Totaalinen Kaaos
Riistetyt - Valtion Vankina
Riistetyt - As A Prisoner Of State
Riistetyt - Skitsofrenia
If you can provide proof of ownership or authorization to distribute the files, please attach the information in a response to the message. We will be happy to forward this information."
We can thank the Finnish punk police this time (last time it was the politburo from Alternative Tentacles). It is (almost) funny how the punk scene is so protective of their copyrights, like mother bear. I guess some obese asshole in Finland has the rights to the above records and is crying to mama. He did not even contact me first to ask to take down the copyright-raping posts.
I remember the angry letters to the editor in Maximum Rock'n'Roll from people (punks!) insulting DRI, Verbal Abuse, Wasted Youth et al. for turning metal in 1986, because playing metal was selling out, going all rock star like Whitesnake, becoming capitalist whores, and as you all know capitalism is cannibalism (and pedophilia) (and Nazism).
Now the very same kind of people (and their lawyers), the dreadlocked anti-system living-room-anarchists who hate Monsanto send cease and desist orders to music blogs. It was all about "freedom", "sharing", "smashing the state" and "money is evil". But copyrights über alles!
Too bad, I was ready to post the entire Mekong Delta collection, GBH, Stupids, Carcass, Clown, Geriatric Unit, Exhumed, Emils, Tetsu Arrey, No Allegiance and a bunch of other cool stuff (Japanese and otherwise!). But the punks won't let you erode their copyrights. You'll have to wait until 2077 when they are all dead.
I could go on with this blog and reload the whole thing (I have backups of all archives) if I find another server, but frankly I'm not sure I'm going to search for one (and I'm sure I'm not going to). Suggestions are still welcome. Somewhere in Russia? Meanwhile, the punk$ have won - but it was a great ride, 6 years of green loud fun! Thanks to everyone for caring and leaving comments.
Fuck that. We'll be going on in a constricted format. Starting very soon, I'll have rotating posts on a private server on a weekly basis. Stay tuned.
Trump's Foreign Policy Is a Lot of Noise
1 hour ago
FUCK NOOOOO i visit your blog literally every day since three years. i feel like john peel fans must have felt in 2004.
ReplyDeletecan't we continue sharing trough the request blog, as they do on thrashmania80? something like that?
Very bad news. Your work was more than appreciated and without you I would never had the opportunity to know many great bands or just listen to some now rare records.
ReplyDeleteWhat about posting some torrents on rutracker or similar?
Oh no, one of the best blogs i ever found. Hope you find another solution, keep on!
ReplyDeleteno nooooo.Not my all time favorite blog.Really bad news.I hope you continue uploadind
ReplyDeleteI knew this was coming eventually. Fuck. Rutracker is a good suggestion as I've been getting 99% of my metal from that site. The translating can be tricky but not impossible... Good luck and thanks for everything!!!
ReplyDelete'tain la poisse....le meilleur blog de la galaxie....
ReplyDeletepeut etre utilise le forum de requetes en envoyant aux membres par mail chaque semaine, par exemple, une sorte de newsletter avec les liens qui vont bien??? un petit retour aux sources de l'underground quoi.
ReplyDeletedans le pire des cas, il reste toujours freenet. c'est assez (pour ne pas tres) lent mais ca embetera les pedophiles!
you should use soulseek to share. that's where all the hardcore children are now.
ReplyDeleteHoly Shit! I just discovered this blog a week ago! And I haven't started to download the Fartz and the Verbal Assault FLAC :( Thank you! BUT FUCK THEM!
ReplyDeletePerhaps you might consider a blog dedicated to Anarcho-Capitalist artists? The good never changes, let the rest rot away.
ReplyDelete"I told you before, I am for the living. Let the dying bury the dead." - Amebix
"Someday never comes, today will have to do." - Woodchuck Pirate fuckin' sad!
ReplyDeleteThat is arse. I'm from Minneapolis so I can sympathize with slippery slope punk tirades about ethics. Great rant, but unfortunate it was necessary.
ReplyDeleteNext time I'm in Montreal all the Dieu du Ciel! or Unibroue or whatever is on me. Cheers and best of luck.
Man, I should say I can sympathize with being on the receiving end of said tirades. Mere nuisances, but ever present.
Sad news. Just about when I was going to download the Drop Dead albums... What happened to the motto "by the kids, for the kids"? Has it just became another cliché?
ReplyDeleteI hope the blog survive. If not, thank you for your generosity and have a ZER life!
Hopeful you can sort out a new arrangement. Discovered so much stuff I never would have otherwise.
ReplyDeleteFailing that, I'd be up for the hard drive option.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Firstly - THANK YOU for the all the great music you've posted - especially the Japanese stuff which is hard to find in any format, let alone FLAC, and the great bands I had not even heard of before you introduced them to me -Totenmond, Craft, WarHorse etc etc. Secondly, I've said it before - that even if your site was review only I would still visit it every day - your passion for the music is contagious and you have yet to steer me wrong. A private site, a private tracker/torrents, st3@lth titling, whatever it takes, I hope that you continue to put up great shit...
ReplyDeleteOH NO !
ReplyDeletethis is the best blog of the solar system - except for some bands from finland - you finnish cockfailrock motherassfuckers !
get your lazy brains back to life and surf some decent blog instead of hanging around everdrunk all together in the polar night seeking for retards to rape. i used to check this link everyday PORCO DIO and lau-rant on pussy riot (BT post) is still painted all over my fronthouse in 1.5 meters zer-green vomit letters. you're such an overignorant bunch of nazis, defeated and scared of real life, your bands sucking my spitballs hard and deep and triple the speed of your silly illiterate boring useless attempt to make music, but YES corpsefuckers, justice had been made nonetheless: you just successfully demotivated some more humans. now you can party all the way back to oblivion in dumbland, organize another farewell tour and get brainless drunk with your favorite cheap russian gasoline just like in the good old days. don't forget to cash your well-earned royalties, even if i guess you can hardly make a decent breakfast out of it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePretty Amazing that you got away with it until you posted some Terveet Kädet records...... And also pretty Amazing that someone actually have the time roaming around the net just to protect some obscure finnish punk bands copyrights! Fuck them and just continue posting somewhere else! ZER ZER AND FUCKEN ZER!!
ReplyDeleteHa! Thanks for all the support. I am checking out the options. But this will go on. I'm too stubborn to let it go like that at the hand of punk business.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I can see, Propaganda Records might be behind this shit (they released all the stuff that got me banned from OpenDrive). But since nobody contacted me, there is no way to be certain.
The dumbest thing is that many people are also telling me they bought records they found on the blog, but apparently it feels good to shoot your own foot.
It might also come from their distributors Playground-Music-Scandinavia.
DeleteOr their digital distributors Kontor New Media.
DeleteOMG you fucked over all these people man
Deletethey fight for a handful of coins, you should be scared !
Hello from Finland.
DeleteYeah, this has been almost definitely work of Propaganda records. They have been reissuing (very badly) these old classics, which they originally released in the early 80's. Since then lots of things have gone worse. The new Propaganda cd's have really lousy cover art and lousy mastering. For example the Riistetyt album Valtion vankina has 4 or 5 songs from a vinyl rip of the album and the rest of the songs are from some hissy almost mono cassette copy. Probably because the original master tapes were sent to Rock-O-Rama records to put out their versions in the 80's, just before R-O-R turned into a nazi label. I guess Propaganda never got their tapes back, so I guess your versions of the Riistetyt album would have been 100 times better than any of their reissues. Also many of the Propaganda reissues have been made without asking the band, and the label boss claims to have all the rights for the stuff, although no contracts were ever made. These were punk records anyway.
Sad shit, really.
This is absolute bullshit L!! Visited your site almost every day since your first lossless post. Was so grateful for your blog and all the stuff I downloaded. I'm not going to make suggestions, just want you to do what you want. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteCheck out MEGA.
ReplyDeleteAlmost 2 years to the day when you came back with a vengeance =>
ReplyDeleteIt's been a great two year run. Please keep us posted of your return.
Thanks for all the great music.
Thank you for all you've done for my ears Zer. I hope you resurface and continue this great service. I'll keep a (hopeful) watchful eye out for it.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe you could stop complaining about being locked out of a free service and get your own hosting. Funny how no one ever brings that option up.
ReplyDeleteI am paying for my own hosting, you twat. They just kicked me out of my PAID plan with no refund.
DeleteFuuuuuck, this made me really sad
ReplyDeleteMaybe whe should just make a soulseek room, or a bittorrent tracker/index.
Love you, Zer. I've listened to obscure punk and metal for almost 30 years, and you've turned me on to a lot of new stuff. Music of this sort is to be shared, it's not for making money. You are like Johnny Appleseed, spreading great things across the land. Please carry on!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat impresses me the most is that so far, problems of this sort on this blog have happened because of punk records that were released over 30 years ago. I am baffled.
DeleteI know...WTF. Have you seen the ED2K site??? It's fucking wonderful, and I always think every time I'm on there "Why can't there be a Punk equivalent of this?" But there's no way - far too many assholes...
DeleteThank you Sir Zer.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is the most beloved. Early hardcore records in Russia on physical media is hard to find, and you are constantly trying to post, and even as such. Thank you and good luck.
ReplyDeleteFuck the fininsh Money Bastards from Propanda Rec.
ReplyDeleteThank you to the fucking bastards of Propaganda Records.CAPITALIST DICKHEAD!!! Without blogs nobody would speak about these great bands of the 80`s anymore.
ReplyDeleteМля вот беда то! Тут хто по англицки соображает, куды переносить то будут террабайты хардкору? This massage is for russian users... We need you mr. Zer!
ReplyDeleteПока не определились, лишь поливают говном финских капиталистов.
DeleteНаша вина здесь тоже есть - не дожали их в финскую, не в первую не во вторую, а то была бы Финская АССР в составе Мурманской области, и ни каких капиталистов тебе. Хорошо шо эти мериканцы не понимают о чем речь тута.
Deletezer, you rule forever, you make my day with all these fucking music , i hope this blog never die
ReplyDeleteThis is a very sad, but nonetheless eventually expected occurrence the powers above are already trying to close this source of liberty and equality that is the internet:
Sorry for the garbage above but we all have to take care.
I raise a glass to you as you have been a very stout blogger and as you can see a very appreciated one.
Thanks for all the much appreciated kind words.
ReplyDeleteLate but thanks for the effort to bring great music to the people and make them realize that there's more than the mainstream shite.
ReplyDeleteI actually own a lot of the stuff you posted but so I didn't have to rip the LPs/CDs Tapes myself - Haha!
Anyways this is proof that Punk is now officially dead :)
thanks for these 2 years mate, I DO really liked your blog, you made my days! but I still hope it's not all over yet...
ReplyDeleteYeah, keep on keeping on. Zippyshare seems to be the choice of wise people these days, but there's a few about. Record labels are fuckwits - they don't realise this is the way people will discover music in this new age. I'll always buy vinyl first, sometimes CDs, and music on the hard drive is just a way of finding out about the huge fucking lake that is music.
yeah man thanks, your blog (and others too) is good for people like me, who live in the shitholes of the world, where is next to impossible to find music like that (punk/metal), so thanks - mat
ReplyDeleteIf the blog doesn't go on... you will be missed Zer. Google are twats too and they'll probably get their asses to remove your blog too. At least I have MP3@320kbps of almost everything you posted here since you started to post in .flac.
ReplyDeletePlease not that if Google removes the blog, the domain is still my property and will redirect to another place.
ReplyDeletesorry to reed that theese bunch of wankers have destroyed one of the best blogs in this fucking world! capitalism is a desease and it seems contagious! dead to capitalism punks!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's not even capitalist punks, it is the crony capitalism of private interests intertwined with public laws - corporatism and lobbies. WIthout bullshit copyright laws and their legal ramifications, nothing like that would happen. Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig is a must read.
DeleteThe ironic part of it all is that I've purchased quite a few CDs and records after checking them out on your blog first. I'm sure I'm not the only person to do that, either. MP3s are great and all, but there's nothing like owning the actual, original, uncompressed recordings of incredible bands that don't get the attention that they deserve. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteI can't count the number of times I've been told so. Some people with too much power are just too dumb to realize it. When these people represent punk bands, you have a confirmation that not everyone has finished evolving from apes.
DeleteConstantly amazed by the depth of your collection, just incredible. I was a mail order junkie during the eighties, but you....goddamn.
ReplyDeleteits sad...
ReplyDeletewait until 2077 when are all punks is dead.
man... it's sad but You cant give up! With Your work You are fist in the face :) Check
ReplyDeletei bet mother russia will welcome You with open arms ;)
Punks are no punks anymore....punk is dead in the 90s.....thats why I stick to the old most of the stuff you were posting.
ReplyDeleteTook a bit of a sting to the heart reading the initial post but am extremely pleased to further read you're going to carry on. This blog has been vital in helping fill in many of my collection's holes and has introduced me to some real gems. So regardless, blog dead or alive, an enormous thank you has been LONG overdue. Respect.
ReplyDeleteFUCK. Neverthless thanks for your work of the last years!