ashes to ashes (+ demo), 1985/1987 the american scream, 1992 rebirth, 1996 no peace on earth, no rest in hell, 2006 I'm going on vacation so power zeR until next week with the very monster Final Conflict, the amount of greatness of which can not be translated in enough words before my plane takes off. Dilatating MDC | Crucifix | Discharge | Poison Idea LOADED TANK OF THRASHING ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CD rip. Final Conflict on Wikipedia Buy Final Conflict CDs! Final Conflict on MySpace Final Conflict website Final Conflict on KFTH |
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Final Conflict
Monday, February 23, 2009
Decadence Within
this lunacy, 1989 soulwound, 1990 reality wake-up call, 1993 reflections - disc 1 reflections - disc 2 Major UK hardcore and punk with forefront metal infiltration. They do have their own sound while equally drawing from Broken Bones, Verbal Assault, Nuclear Assault or Rudimentary Peni, zer and mega zer. Excellent catchy melodies and very potent CROSSOVER PUNK METAL ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! CD rip except This lunacy: 1. Ruins 02:48 2. Take It Or Leave It 03:15 3. Backbitter 03:22 4. Catch Your Death (Forgotten Pride) 04:18 5. Self Respect 02:51 6. Fading Memory 04:31 7. This Lunacy 10:10 8. War Is Here (And Now) 05:28 Buy the Reflections double CD! Boss Tuneage is the fastest mailorder I've ever dealt with. 3 days from the UK to Canada, ZER! Decadence Within on Encylopaedia Metallum |
Rupture - brutal badlands
Rupture - brutal badlands, 2006 "tracks from the splits with Scroungers, Bristning, Mob 48, Slavestate, Spazz and Drop Dead, their Filthy Habit, Gatecrash the Orgy and Svamp Dagar EPs, as well as compilation tracks from Son of Bllleeeeeaaauuuurrrrggghhhh, Regurgitation and I Kill What I Eat. As well as all that theres a single unreleased track on here too." ZER! I stumbled on this, it was stored with the 7", I knew it. Better later than never for MORE UGLY BIG ASS THRASHCORE ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy it! More Rupture |
NYC Mayhem
NYC Mayhem - demo, 1985 Before Straight Ahead, there was NYC Mayhem and this is even more noisy - almost grinding thrashcore ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Vinyl rip. 0 Craig's Intro 1 Your Mind 2 Insecure 3 Violent City 4 Want Authority 5 Not 6 Bodybags 7 Phony Business Men 8 Corrupted 9 We Stand 10 Fill Out The Form 11 Epileptic Death 12 Nothing Song 13 Life Of Riley NYC Mayhem on Encylopaedia Metallum |
Straight Ahead
Straight Ahead - breakaway + end the warzone comp tracks, 1987 Very fast & raw pre-Sick of it All NYHC, a mean THRASH FEAST ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Vinyl rip. 1. Not Afraid 2. Breakaway 3. We Stand 4. Right Idea 5. Straight Ahead 6. Spirit Of Youth 7. "On Parade" 8. "We Stand" 9. "Stand United" 10. "Who's to Blame?" 11. "Spirit of Youth" 12. "Think Right" 13. "Point of View" 14. "Unnecessary Violence" 15. "My Problem" live recording from an excellent live/demo blog Straight Ahead on KFTH |
Cryptic Slaughter
convicted (reissue w/life in grave demo + live), 1985/1986 FIXED AS OF 30.09.2011 money talks (+ rehearsal tracks + live), 1987 FIXED AS OF 30.09.2011 streams of consciousness, 1988 speak your peace, 1990 FIXED AS OF 30.09.2011 bands in sm (cover songs from Minor threat / Bad brains / Attitude adjustment / The surfaris / Beastie boys / Rolling stones / Gang green / The monkees) UPDATE The first time I heard "Convicted", I just drooled and played it again, and then one more time. Then I started a band. This is the stuff of legends! The 4th album has the Wehrmacht drummer, the bass player is now an Ozzy employee and I have no idea where to get their cover songs cd. Cryptic Slaughter THRASH GRINDING ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CD rip. Cryptic Slaughter on Encylopaedia Metallum Buy Cryptic Slaughter CDs! |
Deaf Indians
Deaf Indians, Germany 1994 Immense groove machine! Deaf Indians give us a version of early 90s metal with thrash riffs that's even more exciting than Prong material. Plus it really infects your brain with heavily sticky male melodies and high class arrangements. Why did they not replace Metallica at the top ? Generally awesome KILLER METALLIC ROCKING ZERRRRRRRRRRRR!!! CD rip. Deaf Indians on Encylopaedia Metallum |
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Deadzone - an audio interpretation of human existence
Deadzone - an audio interpretation of human existence, 1993 The first Type O Negative album is among the very superior things in my record collection. This Deadzone record sounds a lot like it (and was mixed by Josh Silver) so let us pray to the intense DARK METAL ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! CD rip. Deadzone on MySpace |
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
still screaming + this side up, 1983 / 1985 fumble + banging the drum, 1987 / 1993 live at van hall (live 1988), 1988 no more censorship, 1988 RELOADED your choice live series (live 1990), 1990 live at the black cat (live 1996), 1998 More strategic excellency from one classic band among classic bands! Scream delivered amazing live performances (as witnessed when my own band opened for them in 1988, zer!) and no less awesome records of golden melodic hardcore and hard rock. "Melodic hardcore" is a reductive tag, these guys wrote material that matches the Bad Brains and Beefeater stuff on the musicality level, hook factor and sound personality. MANDATORY MUSIC MASTERPIECE ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With celebrities Peter Stahl (voice of Wool and Goatsnake) and Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Tenacious D, Probot... zer!) from 1988 on. CD rip except live at van hall: Who Knows - Who Cares? U. Suck A. - We're Fed Up Laissez Faire This SIde Up Human Behavior Iron Curtain Total Mash Still Screaming Chokeword Feel Like That Came Without Warning Walking By Myself Buy Scream CDs Scream on Wikipedia Montélimar 1988!!! Zer!!!!! |
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
cunt of god, 1998 corrupture, 1992 australia day, 1997 split pic 10" w/Unborn SF, 2000 brutal badlands, 2006 Most disgusting post on this blog! Zer! TOTAL THRASHING PUNK MADNESS from the filthiest engine of speedfreak destruction! But I am biased, with song titles such as "Lucifer in the sky with diamonds", I HAD to love them. VERY FAST LOUD DIRTY NASTY SLEAZY EVIL ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have to buy "Lust and Hate". Zer! CD rip except the split (but I have each on vinyl too, who do you think you are?). Split : RUPTURE A1. What the fuck A2. Dog motherfucker A3. I like whores A4. South African whore A5. Telephone sex UNBORN-SF B1. Where the fuck were you in 1977? B2. Bullshit riot B3. Children of tomorrow 1:48 B4. Arska alkovammainen B5. The enemy B6. Separaattori B7. Rahajätkä Rupture fan site on MySpace Buy the AWESOME "Cunt of gOd" LP on piss&shit vinyl for $8!!! |
Friday, February 13, 2009
Spitting on Cops - cops should be killed
Spitting On Cops - Cops Should be Killed GARGL! Best band name! Best music! Best cover artwork! Spitting On Cops win 3 ZER awards at once. Thanks Vultch for posting this, now I need to buy it and everything else you released, please. If you guys want to play in Eastern Canada / Montreal area, get in touch and we'll setup some gigs with the President. EXTRA KILLER ANTI-COP POISON IDEA | STATE | GANG GREEN HARDCORE THRASH ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spitting on Cops on MySpace Vultch's blog |
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Pierre Desproges
spectacle CD 1, 1984 spectacle CD 2, 1986 chroniques de la haine ordinaire CD 1, 1986 chroniques de la haine ordinaire CD 2, 1986 Séquence nostalgie avec 3 zer de délice verbal impliable. ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIP Pierre Desproges. Heureusement que je l'ai vu sur scène encore mobile et sonore en 87 à Grenoble sinon je serais ENCORE PLUS DÉÇU QUE D'AVOIR MANQUÉ LE SHOW DE DARK ANGEL ET LUDICHRIST EN JUILLET 87 À BOSTON PUTAIN DE MERDE. Que Pierre Desproges soit déjà mort et que Richard Martineau encore vivant prouve que Dieu n'existe pas, ou qu'Il a le QI d'un crabe cuit. Achetez tous les livres, tous les dvd et tous les slips de Pierre Desproges, sinon à demain au bureau. À demain au bureau. Site officiel de Pierre Desproges ENGLISH Pierre Desproges on Wikipedia (avec citations de choix en Français) Pierre Desproges sur YouTube URL pour les handicapés qui utilisent Interchiasse Vomixplorer: iNternul exPloreur: Sans Pierre Desproges, pas de Roger. Zer. |
Microsoft Songsmith
There is no human word to describe this thing. You MUST watch the video or you will miss a major part of subhuman history.
Idiocracy never stops!!! ZER!!! THE GREAT AVALANCHE OF 2505 IS UPON US!!!
URL for those who use Pissternet Shitplorer:
Microsoft, Guitar Hero, Rock Band...
Idiocracy never stops!!! ZER!!! THE GREAT AVALANCHE OF 2505 IS UPON US!!!
URL for those who use Pissternet Shitplorer:
Microsoft, Guitar Hero, Rock Band...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Warhead (Japan) - What to do/The Lost Self
Warhead (Japan) - What to do/The Lost Self, 1993/1995 Murderous thrash/crust from Japan - Bastard | Chainsaw | Força Macabra | Gauze fans can NOT miss it! TOTAL THRASHCORE ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vinyl rip. SIDE 1 It's Not a Dead End,Pride as a Human Being,Never Give Up, For Yourself, What To do withthis Yearning?,Victory Flag, Children will Cry, Make the Best of a Bad Job, Go Fly SIDE 2 Burn Your Heart...,Sissou.Absorb Shocks!,Crazy Soul,The Lost Self and a Beating Heart, I'm Still Alive Buy this classic LP |
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Poison Idea
pick your king, 1983 record collectors are pretentious assholes, 1984 kings of punk, 1986 the early years (1981/1984), 1994 war all the time, 1988 feel the darkness, 1990 Jeff Dahl & Poison Idea - dead boy, 1991 blank blackout vacant, 1992 dysfunctional songs for co-dependent addicts (Ian McKaye + more & live), 1992 pajama party (cover songs GISM, MC5, Motörhead etc.), 1992 we must burn, 1993 religion and politics part 1 & 2, 1993 latest will and testament, 2006 Mayhem (featuring Poison Idea members) LIVE: your choice live series - live in amsterdam, 1993 record bootleggers are potential millionaires, 1991 dutch courage, 1991 pig's last stand, 1996 TRIBUTE ALBUMS: hangover heart attack, 2003 Rövsvett - burn the gay nuns _ tribute to Poison Idea, 1996 bigger than god - tribute to Poison Idea, 1996 The zerness in Poison Idea exceeds the density of the pope. The sad story is that my wife and I were spending some vacation in Amsterdam on the week-end Poison Idea recorded the show on the "your choice" album, but we only saw the flyers the day after. Totally unbelievably unzer. So here are most of Poison Idea's legendary records, minus a few singles. The strongest US hardcore punk rock metal in ITS INFINITE DOMINATING ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! At the top of the top of the ZER playlist for the past 25 years and until my last breath! POISON IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy Poison Idea CDs and be happy forever! CD rip except vinyl rip of "millionaires" (see image below for tracks) and : Live in Amsterdam: A1 Hangover Heart Attack (3:11) A2 In Order To Live (2:49) A3 Plastic Bomb (3:01) A4 Alain's On Fire (5:07) A5 Crippled Angle (3:27) A6 Feel The Darkness (5:42) B1 A.A. (2:02) B2 Cop An Attitude (2:22) B3 Blitzkreig Bop (4:29) B4 Come Ass You Are (1:32) B5 Punish Me (2:56) B6 Up Front (7:11) B7 My Way (1:04) Hangover heart attack Tribute: A1 Bonehouse Hangover Heartattack A2 Barcode (6) Die On Your Knees A3 Godnose A.A. A4 Path Of Destruction Taken By Surprise A5 Calibre 12 Allright A6 Baffdecks Plastic Bomb A7 Rat Bastards Laughing Boys A8 Agrotoxico Punish Me A9 Paintbox Thorn In My Side B1 Diavolo Rosso Lifestyles B2 Blasting Process Gone For Good B3 Kill Your Idols Made To Be Broken B4 Bolzen Rich Get Richer B5 Mata Ratos A Verdade Portras De Tudo (Drain) B6 Toe To Toe Just To Get Away B7 6000 Crazy Discontent B8 Ratos De Porao Pure Hate B9 Wolfbrigade Say Goodbye My favorite: feel the darkness dysfunctional songs for co-dependent addicts (Ian McKaye) latest will and testament war all the time kings of punk religion and politics part 1 & 2 and all the live albums (especially Pig's last stand for the GISM covers), and everything they ever released. ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIP Pig Champion. |
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