Talas - Talas,
1979 CD Album Reissue Limited Edition Numbered Metal Blade Records - 3984-14209-2 Reissue from 1991 - remixed / remastered `91
Talas - Sink Your Teeth Into That,
1982 Vinyl LP Album Relativity - EMC-8001
Talas - Live Speed On Ice,
1984 Vinyl LP Album Combat - MX8005
Explosion of the superb! I can't believe I am still so fond of this band, but yes, this stuff has aged extremely gracefully. Timelessness is the mark of greatness. This was when we discovered the awesome bass hero Billy Sheehan who makes Steve Harris sound like Dee Dee Ramone. Super catchy hard rock delivered by strings & skins wizards, what else do you need? Sink Your Teeth is among the hottest hard rock releases in this universe, and floats forever over the heavy metal EZTT. And I'm writing this listening to the new, totally killer Discharge album.
Anyone willing to share a FLAC rip of the other live album is very welcome. Massive zeritude funneled in your general direction in advance.
Remove brackets and unzip: [zer speed on rezer]
!ZER TalasZER!
The Free Electric pilot in India is now two months old, and the response has been incredible. Individuals, households, and businesses are using the bike to conduct activities and increase productivity in ways they never could before.
Kids are able to do homework after the sun sets, freeing them to help their parents or play outside with their friends while it’s still light. Shop owners are able to continue conducting business through the evening as opposed to closing their doors at dusk. Classrooms are able to power laptops, tablets, and flat-screen televisions, connecting students and teachers to knowledge, people, information, and ideas from all over the world.
We’re seeing that Free Electric provides more than just electricity. It also enables independence, flexibility, new opportunity, and better quality of life. Free Electric can generate energy at any time of day or night, regardless of whether the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. And if the battery runs down, all someone needs to do is jump on the bike and pedal. With Free Electric, a household that’s semi-connected to the grid no longer needs to synchronize its energy usage with when the utility company intermittently sends power. Free Electric is energy on-demand. Finally, Free Electric helps make kerosene lamps and the dirty, dangerous fumes they emit a thing of the past, which means better health in both the short- and long-term.
The film crew that shot our documentary captured this footage over the past few months in India. We’ll be posting it to social media soon, but wanted you to get the first look.
We continue the process of setting up manufacturing facilities in India and Singapore, and hope to have production up and running by late summer. We will be sure to let you know when the bikes become available.
In the meantime, our engineers have continued tinkering with new applications for the bike, including one that involves powering much larger tools and machinery. We think we have a way to use Free Electric to set up small-scale manufacturing activities anywhere in the world, regardless of whether there's a conventional power supply. We're not quite ready to announce what that is, but be forewarned that there are some bigger things on the horizon.
Bad Religion - Suffer,
1988 CD Album Epitaph, Epitaph - E-86404, E-86404-2
Bad Religion - No Control,
1989 CD Album Epitaph - E-86406-2
Bad Religion - Against The Grain,
1990 CD Album Epitaph - E-86409-2
Bad Religion - Generator,
1992 CD Album Epitaph - E-86416-2
Bad Religion... I used to be a fan for a few years, when I discovered the band upon their comeback in '88 with the great album Suffer. But after 4 albums of comfortable repetition with no abrasion at all and lyrics of the same strength, my erection weakened to the point of no return, thus there are only 4 albums on my shelves, and in this post (actually 6 with the vinyls, but do not ask for a rip, I am far too lazy and not excited enough to produce worse-sounding version of this marshmallow-punk rock). I am posting this out of nostalgia (this is from when I met the wife in biblical terms), but I'd rather listen to Snuff or NOFX (and even then...).
This all sounds a little hostile, I don't know why and I am almost sorry since this is the most harmless band in the world. I just played two of these albums and I feel like I lost my time. I can swallow with great joy five hours in a row of ultra repetitive Swedish crust dbeat, but 30 minutes of pop punk makes me itchy. It dilutes my concentration and I cannot work as efficiently. Still, this is not as bad as Green Day.
Remove brackets and unzip: [zerocracy.xyz] !ZER Bad Religion ZER!
Acid Drinkers - 25 Cents For A Riff,
2014 CD Album Mystic Production - MYSTCD 270
Vhol - Deeper Than Sky,
2015 CD Album Profound Lore Records - PFL-158
Satan - Atom By Atom,
2015 CD Album Unofficial Release Listenable Records - POSH291
Howls Of Ebb - The Marrow Veil,
2015 File FLAC Mini-Album x 3 I, Voidhanger Records - IVR043 Visit http://i-voidhangerrecords.bandcamp.com
Artillery - Penalty By Perception,
2016 CD Album Metal Blade Records - 3984-15436-2
Howls Of Ebb - Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows,
2016 CD Album I, Voidhanger Records - IVR058 Visit http://i-voidhangerrecords.bandcamp.com
Deströyer 666 - Wildfire,
2016 Box Set Limited Edition, CD Album Season Of Mist - SOM373B
Christmas for the metalhead! Let's have a serving of the newest releases by this wild bunch of experts in the science of metal. This lot is especially excellent, heads will bang. Acid Drinkers pursue their quest for superb groovy thrash rocking metal that ridicules again any attempt by Metallica to continue to exist since 1986. Vhol prove that they are not from this planet, this album is almost better than the previous one with a slight addition of hardcore to their stellar, über catchy, mesmerizing thrash perfection. Satan surprised me, I expected some sort of auto-pilot set on the recipe of the success of Life Sentence, but this Atom smasher is almost better, it is a complete NWOBHM masterpiece, clearly the best release of the (past) year in that style, ridiculing again any attempt by Iron Maiden to continue to exist since 1985. Artillery continue on the tracks of their past three album since their comeback. Great powerful melodic thrash faithful to their previous efforts (there is some auto-pilot here, but it's great). Same thing with Deströyer 666 and their new, more polished than before collection of intense heavy thrashers. Fist in the air! And the two latest releases by the elder sons of the zeriverse, Howls Of Ebb, complete the dissolution of your meat into the great void. HOB are as productive as talented in their doom and gloom of Eisenvater-inspired death attacks - fucking dark, fucking heavy, fucking unique, fucking obsessive, fucking ultratriplazeristic magnificence of the deepest pits of joyful aural perfection! Human words cannot really depict the awesomeness from Howls Of Ebb's reptilian sound waves. Mammals will understand.
Remove brackets and unzip: [heavy metal la loi du mal, metallifer la loi de l'enfer] !ZER Vhol, Satan, Acid Drinkers, Howls Of Ebb, Artillery, Deströyer 666 ZER!
Growing Concern - Disconnection Plus,
1993 CD Compilation Banda Bonnot - BB003 Disconnection + What We Say + 2 bonus
Growing Concern - Seasons Of War,
1994 CD Album Banda Bonnot, SOA Records - bb011, none
Requested, zerred. 80s NYHC from Italy's 90s: quite good, especially for Sick Of It All fans. Straight forward but rocking, raw but well executed, energetic and already exhaling nostalgia 20 years ago, this stuff will probably not replace SOIA or Agnostic Front in the hearts and minds of the masses, but is a relevant additive to the punkonaut's flacotheque.
Remove brackets and unzip: [tuglub]
!ZER Growing Concern ZER!
Canadian residents received a request to give their info for the 2016 census. Of course, everyone is vigorously encouraged to throw the login number away and not collaborate. Do not feed the beast! Ta gueule Justin!