Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Witchrist - Curses Of Annihilation - 2009
Witchrist - Beheaded Ouroboros - 2010
Witchrist - The Grand Tormentor - 2012
Witchrist - Vritra - 2015
01. Witchrist - Curses Of Annihilation, 2009 CD Compilation
     Crush Until Madness - CUM CD006
02. Witchrist - Beheaded Ouroboros, 2010 File FLAC Album x 8
     Invictus Productions - none
03. Witchrist - The Grand Tormentor, 2012 CD Album
     Osmose Productions, Osmose Productions - OPCD 263, N°784-2448
04. Witchrist - Vritra, 2015 Vinyl 12" 45 RPM Single Sided EP Etched
     Iron Bonehead Productions - IBP220
Vomit of the purulent black witch! Slow decomposition of the meat! Into the tar sands! Oppressive death and doom as would deliver a tribe of iron age cannibals: here falls the gift of Witchrist to the zeriverse. Those who do not enjoy their metal primitive and gut-munching should listen to something else. Fans of Unaussprechlichen Kulten and Grave Miasma should enter the cavern and sit down. The Grand Tormentor is the grand winner regarding the clearness of the drowner funeral, Ouroboros is the leader in the obfuscation of the rot blast. Triplazering amount of eternal possession! Terrific avalanche of large obscurity!
Remove brackets and unzip: [week of the witch]
!ZER Witchrist ZER!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Living Death

Living Death - Vengeance Of Hell - 1984
Living Death - Vengeance Of Hell - 1984
Living Death - Metal Revolution - 1985
Living Death - Metal Revolution - 1985
Living Death - Back To The Weapons - 1986
Living Death - Back To The Weapons - 1986
Living Death - Protected From Reality - 1987
Living Death - Protected From Reality - 1987
Living Death - Worlds Neuroses - 1989
Living Death - Worlds Neuroses - 1989 - Reissue of 2006
Living Death - Killing In Action - 1991
01. Living Death - Vengeance Of Hell, 1984 Vinyl LP Album
     Mausoleum Records, Earthshaker Records - SKULL 8360, ES 4002
02. Living Death - Vengeance Of Hell, 1984 CD Album
     Shark Records - SHARK 2007
     Reissue from 2001
03. Living Death - Metal Revolution, 1985 Vinyl LP Album
     Earthshaker Records - ES 4012
04. Living Death - Metal Revolution, 1985 CDr Album Reissue
     Shark Records - SHARK 2018
     Reissue from 2002
05. Living Death - Back To The Weapons, 1986 Vinyl 12" EP 45 RPM
     Aaarrg Records - AAARRG 2
06. Living Death - Back To The Weapons, 1986 CD Mini-Album EP Reissue
     Foxxy Medien - 1618
     Reissue from 2006
07. Living Death - Protected From Reality, 1987 Vinyl LP Album
     Cobra - CL 1038
     Reissue from 1989
08. Living Death - Protected From Reality, 1987 CD Album Repress
     Aaarrg Records - AAARRG 5 CD/LD-A1
     Reissue from 1989
09. Living Death - Worlds Neuroses, 1989 Vinyl LP Album
     Aaarrg Records - AAARRG 15
10. Living Death - Worlds Neuroses,1989 CD Album Reissue
    Reissue from 2006
     Zardoz Music - 1612
11. Living Death - Killing In Action, 1991 CD Album
     Intercord Record Service - IRS 986.944
Back to the future of yesterday! The almighty teutonic metal scene strikes again! Maybe on a shaky start, since Vengeance was horrifying upon the first listen. Good Metallica inspiration but the vocals and the production... were something. I eventually developed a fondness for this strangely charming record just in time to acquire Metal Revolution and be floored. This one is a classic of thrashing speed metal, as strong a headbanger as Bonded by Blood, Vicious Attack or Amnesty. Speed metal mania! The following releases display greater technicalities, higher speed and more advanced songwriting: expansion of the living mega death! Explosion of killer riffs! Bombardment of cutting metal! Even if Killing in Action is not the most exciting of the lot.
NB: the CD remasters are pretty bad, Vengeance,of Hell is a disaster and Metal Revolution should have been much less compressed. The others are OK.
Now crack these vertebrae and bang that head! Possessed by the triplazering eternal speeding death!
Remove brackets and unzip: [night of the]
!ZER Living Death ZER!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Novelty post: Rose Rose, Doom, Shellshock, Autopsy, Full Of Hell, Looking For An Answer

Doom - Illegal Soul - 1992
Full Of Hell - Amber Mote In The Black Vault - 2015
Autopsy - Skull Grinder - 2016
Doom - Instruction Manual... 1988-1991 - 2016
Doom - Instruction Manual... 1988-1991 - 2016
Rose Rose - The Final Sign For Creatures - 2017
Looking For An Answer - Dios Carne - 2017
Full Of Hell - Trumpeting Ecstasy - 2017
Doom  - No More Pain (rerecorded song) - 2017
Shellshock - Beyond Resurrection - 2017
01. Doom - Illegal Soul, 1992 CD Album Reissue Remastered
     13th Real Recordings - 13RR-1006
     Reissue from 2017 - includes 4 bonus tracks from Freakout 7'' and split EPs
02. Full Of Hell - Amber Mote In The Black Vault, 2015 Vinyl 7" 45 RPM EP
     Bad Teeth Recordings - BTR 009
03. Autopsy - Skull Grinder, 2016 CD Mini-Album
     Peaceville - CDVILEF559
04. Doom - Instruction Manual... 1988-1991, 2016 CD Compilation, DVD DVD-Video NTSC Stereo
     13th Real Recordings - 13RR1004/1005
     DVD soundtrack
05. Doom - Instruction Manual... 1988-1991, 2016 CD Compilation, DVD DVD-Video NTSC Stereo
     13th Real Recordings - 13RR1004/1005
06. Rose Rose - The Final Sign For Creatures, 2017 CD Album
     Bang The Head Records - BTH-62
07. Looking For An Answer - Dios Carne, 2017 CD Album
     Willowtip - WT-146
08. Full Of Hell - Trumpeting Ecstasy, 2017 CD Album
     Profound Lore Records - PFL-184
09. Doom - No More Pain (rerecorded song), 2017
10. Shellshock - Beyond Resurrection, 2017 CD Mini-Album
     Revontulet - RVR-0007
Mega armageddon zer! A cargo of new extra hot noise for the weekend: first and above all, the new Rose Rose release is an instant classic! Nothing really new if you are already a fan of their killer trademark hardcore crossover: 8 fast, ass-kicking songs of unadulterated Rose Rose, plus 7 ass-kicking live tracks that span 25 years of their career. Rose Rose forever ultrazer! Then we get no less than four entries for the wizards of Doom: one excellent remaster of the classic Illegal Soul with 4 extra tracks which make it a mandatory possession, one useless compilation CD (fake news on Metal Archives led me to believe it was a rerecording album, but it is not) - if you already have their albums, do not bother - plus the soundtracks of the live DVD that comes with the comp, plus the rerecording of No More Pain (the song, not the entire album, it came on a promo CD, people still print promo CDs, amazing, especially with a single song on it). The live stuff is from 1987/1993 and is just amazing. Doomonauts salivate! The Shellshock mini CD is a rerecording and not a compilation, it features 7 songs from early demos, EPS and Mortal Days so expect their 80s thrash metal and not the advanced sonic weapons of ear contortion of their latest masterpiece ~shi~. And more noise from the non-Japanese heaven of burning metal: the latest Autopsy mini album is pure, grand, gruesome, thrashing, blood-dripping, gut-exploring Autopsy. Fans will get addicted, non-fans will be damned. Full Of Hell are back with one monster of a grindcore attack, it is as fast & short as it is ear-splitting and just perfect. The 2015 EP contains a marvelous Melvins cover. And last but not least, the new bulldozer of skull-crushing and flesh-mincing LFAA will do to you what their previous albums did: crush your skull, mince your meat in good old Terrorizer | Brutal Truth fashion. Walking corpses after world obliteration! I don't know who's the more intense between FOH and LFAA, and I don't care, Just line them up in a playlist and bang that head against the wall of noise!
Remove brackets and unzip: [thrashosaurus grindeathonizer]
!ZER Rose Rose, Autopsy, Full Of Hell, Doom, Shellshock, Looking For An Answer ZER!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Crucial Youth

Crucial Youth - The Posi-Machine - 1988
Crucial Youth - A Gig Too Far - 1991
01. Crucial Youth - The Posi-Machine, 1988 Vinyl LP Album
     New Red Archives, New Red Archives - NRA02, NRA 02
02. Crucial Youth - A Gig Too Far, 1991 Vinyl 7" EP
     B-Core Disc - B-CORE-5
Who would have thought that what was a joke in 1988 could now pass for actual opinions? Enter Crucial Youth, the best parody of the 80s straight edge HC patronizing mania. Today's SJWs and safe space crew will not get it, but the rest of us can have a good laugh, at least those old enough to remember the value or provocation and artistic offense. Musically, Crucial Youth are competent in their generic rendition of generic HC and even grace us with a cool Agnostic Front cover. It is actually musically close to Sick Of it All and it is actually better than Youth of Today or Bold, but I am biased, I cannot listen to YOT nor Bold. Basic fun HC in the spirit of Stikky, just not as fast, with as many laughs and great riffage from the central repository of rapid punk! Unizersal crucifixion of the old youth of today! Be straight, don't be late, bench your weight, don't !
Remove brackets and unzip: [youthanizer]
!ZER Crucial Youth ZER!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Righteous Pigs

Righteous Pigs - Live And Learn - 1989
Righteous Pigs - Stress Related - 1990
01. Righteous Pigs - Live And Learn, 1989 Vinyl LP Album
     Nuclear Blast, Nuclear Blast - NB 012, NUCLEAR BLAST RECORD 012
02. Righteous Pigs - Stress Related, 1990 CD Album
     Nuclear Blast - NB 035
Righteous Pigs delivered the noise! The first album is a collection of vicious blasts of grinding hardcore, some nasty crossover of crossover and early grindcore. The Cryptic Slaughter crowd is at home here. Very noisy, extremely zer! Stress explores more complex structures with a heavier approach that could be tagged death metal without sacrificing the noisy rawness of it all. Adepts of eardrum mutilation have been using Righteous Pigs family style for the past 3 decades because noise is the answer!
Remove brackets and unzip: [zerelated]
!ZER Righteous Pigs ZER!

Thursday, May 18, 2017


KXM - KXM - 2014
KXM - Scatterbrain - 2017
01. KXM - KXM, 2014 CD Album
     Rat Pak Records - RPR603056
02. KXM - Scatterbrain, 2017 CD Album
     Rat Pak Records - RPR603077
Perfection of the hard rock! This is a supergroup involving the bassist/singer from King`s X, the drummer from Korn and grandmaster guitar wizard George Lynch of Lynch Mob. If you do not like superb hard rocking music full of amazing songs, absolut world class execution and grandiose production, go away. I'll stay and drool over this marvel that sounds a lot like Living Colour with as much greatness. Awesomely brilliant from start to finish!
RIP Chris Cornell.
Remove brackets and unzip: [zerfight]

Some flaccid and utterly ignorant subhuman had a show cancelled in Montreal through threats of violence because the band names hurt his feelings: Whores and Slaves. It is the second time this year already that a rock or metal show is stopped in Montreal by this kind of fascist attitudes. Do we have a nest of deficient insects here or what? Social justice wankers need to choke on their intestines ASAP - oh the wet dream of a giant SJW human centipede. If I had a facebook or twitter account, I'd swamp this half-dick with nazi midgets porn and excerpts of Cannibal Holocaust. Anyone doing this earns a reload of their choice.

Monday, May 15, 2017


Morbosidad - Morbosidad - 2000
Morbosidad - Cojete A Dios Por El Culo - 2004
Morbosidad - Profana La Cruz Del Nazareno - 2008
Morbosidad - Muerte De Cristo En Golgota - 2013
Morbosidad - Enterrados Vivos En La Tumba De Moscow - 2014
Morbosidad - Tortura - 2014
01. Morbosidad - Morbosidad, 2000 CD Album Reissue
     Nuclear War Now! Productions - ANTI-GOTH 007
     Reissue from 2014
02. Morbosidad - Cojete A Dios Por El Culo, 2004 CD Album Limited Edition Reissue
     Morbid Kult Records, Concreto Records - MKCD002, CDCR17
     Reissue from 2006 - + Bajo El Egendro Del Crucificado 7''
03. Morbosidad - Profana La Cruz Del Nazareno, 2008 CD Album
     Nuclear War Now! Productions - ANTI-GOTH 101
04. Morbosidad - Muerte De Cristo En Golgota, 2013 CD Album
     Nuclear War Now! Productions, Soul Erazer Distribution - Anti-Goth 241, SE011
05. Morbosidad - Enterrados Vivos En La Tumba De Moscow, 2014 CD
     Pestis Insaniae - Pestis 009
06. Morbosidad - Tortura, 2014 Vinyl 12" 45 RPM Mini-Album
     Nuclear War Now! Productions - Anti-Goth 274
Aggravation of the black death! Swallow the recipe of these cannibals for a rotten mixture of the most primitive bits of old Sodom and Bathory with large buckets of 80s Brazilian monstrosities and Blasphemy and Conqueror. Very fast, very noisy, very full of Satan with blood and many other unpleasant things, the monsters conspire for the fattest satisfaction of the indulger in raw metallic meat. I feel guilty, I crave this chaos. Tortura offers the cream and the cherry on top of this avalanche of autopsy juice and angel corpses. Marvel of the ugly! Megazeristic thrashing explosion of sombre flesh cataplasms!
Remove brackets and unzip: [la muerte]
!ZER Morbosidad ZER!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

No Fraud

No Fraud - No Fraud - 1991 01. No Fraud - No Fraud, 1991 CD Compilation
     Mind Control Records - MIND 003 CD
Never enough 80s hardcore! No Fraud play the short, fast card in direct continuation of early Gang Green | Zero Boys | Beowulf and do it very well. The high velocity punk thrash pumps up the ape like aural cocaine, and a knack for memorable choruses makes them stick. Never enough of that classic recipe! This disc compiles the first two EPs and some compilation tracks.
Remove brackets and unzip: [N.A.P.]
!ZER No Fraud ZER!

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Chateaux - Chained And Desperate - 1983
Chateaux - FirePower - 1984
Chateaux - Highly Strung - 1985
Chateaux - Fight To The Last! The Anthology - 2003
Chateaux - Fight To The Last! The Anthology - 2003
Chateaux - Fight To The Last! The Anthology - 2003
Chateaux - Fight To The Last! The Anthology - 2003
01. Chateaux - Chained And Desperate, 1983 Vinyl LP Album
     Ebony Records - EBON 13
02. Chateaux - FirePower, 1984 Vinyl LP Album
     Ebony Records - EBON 18
03. Chateaux - Highly Strung, 1985 Vinyl LP Album
     Ebony Records - EBON 31
04. Chateaux - Fight To The Last! The Anthology, 2003 CD Compilation x 2
     Castle Music, Sanctuary Records - CMDDD667, CMDDD667
     Fight To The Last 7''
05. Chateaux - Fight To The Last! The Anthology, 2003 CD Compilation x 2
     Castle Music, Sanctuary Records - CMDDD667, CMDDD667
     Chained And Desperate
06. Chateaux - Fight To The Last! The Anthology, 2003 CD Compilation x 2
     Castle Music, Sanctuary Records - CMDDD667, CMDDD667
07. Chateaux - Fight To The Last! The Anthology, 2003 CD Compilation x 2
     Castle Music, Sanctuary Records - CMDDD667, CMDDD667
     Highly Strung
Chateaux were brilliantly banging heads eons ago, and these records are still as great today. There are obvious Judas Priest and Saxon propellers under the hood, and we smile in awe. The first record features the amazing vocals of Steve Grimmett (Grim Reaper, Onslaught etc.), and more awe descends. A complete haunting gem that deserves much more exposure and recognition. The next two albums are a bit heavier and meaner, and even more bliss descends. All masterpieces, all burning hot hard rocking classic metal! Heavy Metal will never die! NWOBHM forever until the end of time!
Remove brackets and unzip: [Highly Zer]
!ZER Chateaux ZER!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Cryptic Slaughter

Cryptic Slaughter - Convicted - 1986
Cryptic Slaughter - Convicted - 1986
Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks - 1987
Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks - 1987
Cryptic Slaughter - Stream Of Consciousness - 1988
Cryptic Slaughter - Stream Of Consciousness - 1988
Cryptic Slaughter - Speak Your Peace - 1990
01. Cryptic Slaughter - Convicted, 1986 Vinyl LP Album
     Roadrunner Records - RR 9680
02. Cryptic Slaughter - Convicted, 1986 CD Album Reissue Remastered
     Relapse Records - RR 6546-2
     Reissue from 2003 - bonus: 15-19: Life In Grave Demo 1985, 20-23: Live In Houston 1988
03. Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks, 1987 Vinyl LP Album
     Metal Blade Records, Death Records - RR 9607, RR 9607
04. Cryptic Slaughter - Money Talks, 1987 CD Album Remastered Reissue
     Relapse Records - RR 6547-2
     Reissue from 2003 - bonus: 13-17: Stream Of Consciousness Rehearsal 5/88, 18: Live In Detroit 1988, 19-21: Live In Houston 1988
05. Cryptic Slaughter - Stream Of Consciousness, 1988 Vinyl LP Album
     Death Records, Metal Blade Records - 7 72320-1, 72320
06. Cryptic Slaughter - Stream Of Consciousness, 1988 CD Album
     Death Records - 7 72320-2
07. Cryptic Slaughter - Speak Your Peace, 1990 CD Album
     Metal Blade Records - CDZORRO 6
Monster thrashcore jubilation! After Neos, DRI, Siege and Lärm, we needed more head bashing and thrashing speed mania, and we got it! Heresy, Repulsion, Wehrmacht and Cryptic Slaughter! The zeriverse is generous. That first week with both LPs, I played Convicted many more times than Reign In Blood, because only speed mattered in 1986. Convicted was even faster than Kreator and Sodom, and almost more intense than Raw Power and Inferno. Here are the seeds of grindcore, amen. Absolute relishment of the primitive! The next album is almost as great but less sloppy, Stream is strange and excellently noisy and Speak is a very different beast of crossover in the general direction of Excel and Attitude. None more classic! Break that skeleton that doesn't break! Thrash til zer!
Remove brackets and unzip: [into the crypts of triplazer]
!ZER Cryptic Slaughter ZER!


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