From Open Drive:
"I have checked your account, and it was closed due to a copyright report on several of the files you have been sharing. This, as you may already know, is a violation of our terms of service. Unfortunately, we will be unable to reopen the account unless you can furnish proof that all files on the account belong to you or that you have been given permission to share the files.
The files that were included in the report are:
Terveet Kädet - Ääretön Propaganda
Terveet Kädet - Mi Enthalvan Tk Historiaan 1980-1984
Terveet Kädet - Pissaa Ja Paskaa
Terveet Kädet – Halloween
Kaaos - Totaalinen Kaaos
Riistetyt - Valtion Vankina
Riistetyt - As A Prisoner Of State
Riistetyt - Skitsofrenia
If you can provide proof of ownership or authorization to distribute the files, please attach the information in a response to the message. We will be happy to forward this information."
We can thank the Finnish punk police this time (last time it was the politburo from Alternative Tentacles). It is (almost) funny how the punk scene is so protective of their copyrights, like mother bear. I guess some obese asshole in Finland has the rights to the above records and is crying to mama. He did not even contact me first to ask to take down the copyright-raping posts.
I remember the angry letters to the editor in Maximum Rock'n'Roll from people (punks!) insulting DRI, Verbal Abuse, Wasted Youth et al. for turning metal in 1986, because playing metal was selling out, going all rock star like Whitesnake, becoming capitalist whores, and as you all know capitalism is cannibalism (and pedophilia) (and Nazism).
Now the very same kind of people (and their lawyers), the dreadlocked anti-system living-room-anarchists who hate Monsanto send cease and desist orders to music blogs. It was all about "freedom", "sharing", "smashing the state" and "money is evil". But copyrights über alles!
Too bad, I was ready to post the entire Mekong Delta collection, GBH, Stupids, Carcass, Clown, Geriatric Unit, Exhumed, Emils, Tetsu Arrey, No Allegiance and a bunch of other cool stuff (Japanese and otherwise!). But the punks won't let you erode their copyrights. You'll have to wait until 2077 when they are all dead.
I could go on with this blog and reload the whole thing (I have backups of all archives) if I find another server, but frankly I'm not sure I'm going to search for one (and I'm sure I'm not going to). Suggestions are still welcome. Somewhere in Russia? Meanwhile, the punk$ have won - but it was a great ride, 6 years of green loud fun! Thanks to everyone for caring and leaving comments.
Fuck that. We'll be going on in a constricted format. Starting very soon, I'll have rotating posts on a private server on a weekly basis. Stay tuned.