Thursday, August 31, 2017


Znowhite - All Hail To Thee - 1984
Znowhite - Kick 'Em When They're Down - 1985
Znowhite - Act Of God - 1988
Znowhite - Znöwhite - 2007
01. Znowhite - All Hail To Thee, 1984 Vinyl LP Album
     Enigma Records - E1077
02. Znowhite - Kick 'Em When They're Down, 1985 Vinyl 12" Mini-Album 33 ⅓ RPM
     Cobra - CEP 1004
03. Znowhite - Act Of God, 1988 CD Album
     Roadracer Records - RRD 9587
04. Znowhite - Znöwhite, 2007 CD Compilation Limited Edition Numbered Reissue Remastered
     Metal Mind Productions - MASS CD DG 0969
     All Hail To Thee + Kick'em When They're Down + Live Suicide
Speed metal rules forever! Chronologically after Acid and before Détente and Sentinel Beast, Znöwhite where one of the rare thrashing metal bands to feature a female singer. That was already a good selling point for the drooling 80s teenager thrash metal addict, there was never enough speed nor enough females in the prehistoric metal scene. Znöwhite just ruled by providing both. And once the music starts, your ass being kicked repeatedly with their bombastic, air-guitar-inducing anthems of eternal metal, then everything is forgiven and forgotten and molten into the great bliss of nonstop headbanging. Speed metal rules until the end of the speediverse!
Remove brackets and unzip: [act of zer]
!ZER Znöwhite ZER!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Passiv Dödshjälp

Passiv Dödshjälp - Häng Dom - 2010
Passiv Dödshjälp - Fasader - 2011
Passiv Dödshjälp - Kollektiva Mönster - 2013
01. Passiv Dödshjälp - Häng Dom, 2010 CD Album
     Power It Up - P.I.U#121
02. Passiv Dödshjälp - Fasader, 2011 CD Album
     Halvfabrikat Records, Power It Up - HALVCD063, P.I.U.# 141
03. Passiv Dödshjälp - Kollektiva Mönster, 2013 CD
     Embrace My Funeral Records - EMF032
Angry, loud and Swedish! This is textbook crust in the Wolfpack | Skitsystem tradition, which means a lot of Discharge with a bit of Dismember, or something like that, I actually think Dismember and Entombed took the Discharge inspiration too, so it all resolves to the almighty Discharge. Not that I would complain. PD also add some fiery acceleration blasts in a couple of songs and we all thank the crustiverse for its very welcome avalanches of inflexible thrashing screams. Triplazerist crustification of the meat and the bone!
Remove brackets and unzip: [mob77]
!ZER Passiv Dödshjälp ZER!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Artificial Brain

Artificial Brain - Labyrinth Constellation - 2014
Artificial Brain - Infrared Horizon - 2017
01. Artificial Brain - Labyrinth Constellation, 2014 CD Album
     Profound Lore Records - PFL127
02. Artificial Brain - Infrared Horizon, 2017 CD Album
     Profound Lore Records - PFL183
Complete zerification from the other dimensions of anywhere! Given the quantity of new metal that erupts every day, the law of large numbers guarantees the concretion of a monsterizer on a regular basis. This time it is the turn of Artificial Brain, the death gold of the future. They rip like a hybrid of Howls Of Ebb, Deathspell Omega and Gorguts at top speeds! This material is the most amazing combination of brutality and clarity, and while technicality and precision are maximized, the whole machine serves the music and not vice-versa. Songs, not demonstration; art, not industry. The infernally fast guitar picking over the end-of-the-world rhythmic avalanches shake the core of the listener's skeleton: he needs more, now, und schnell. There are infectious melodies intertwined in the gutturations of the relentless onslaught, the mayhem is refined like a Rolls Royce sledgehammer. This nonstop barrage of advanced death surgery is called Artificial Brain. A new neutron star in the backest segments of the zeriverse until the end of everything!
Remove brackets and unzip: [hyprazer manifestation]
!ZER Artificial Brain ZER!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Clutch - Earth Rocker

Clutch - Earth Rocker - 2013 01. Clutch - Earth Rocker, 2013 CD Album
     Weathermaker Music - WM027
Yeah, missed that one yesterday! Old neuron and all that.
Remove brackets and unzip: [love me like a reptile]
!ZER Clutch ZER!

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Clutch - Passive Restraints - 1992
Clutch - Transnational Speedway League: Anthems, Anecdotes And Undeniable Truths - 1993
Clutch - Clutch - 1995
Clutch - Impetus EP - 1997
Clutch - The Elephant Riders - 1998
Clutch - Jam Room - 1999
Clutch - Blast Tyrant - 2004
Clutch - From Beale Street To Oblivion - 2007
Clutch - Psychic Warfare - 2015
01. Clutch - Passive Restraints, 1992 CD EP
     Relativity - 88561-1167
02. Clutch - Transnational Speedway League: Anthems, Anecdotes And Undeniable Truths, 1993 CD Album
     EastWest Records America - 7567-92281-2
03. Clutch - Clutch, 1995 CD Album
     EastWest - 7559-61755-2
04. Clutch - Impetus EP, 1997 CD EP Compilation
     Earache - MOSH 192 CD
     comp tracks + Passive Restraints EP
05. Clutch - The Elephant Riders, 1998 CD Album
     Columbia - CK 69113
     with one of three hidden tracks
06. Clutch - Jam Room, 1999 CD Album Reissue
     Megaforce Records - MEGA1992
     Reissue from 2004
07. Clutch - Blast Tyrant, 2004 CD Album
     DRT Entertainment - RTE410
08. Clutch - From Beale Street To Oblivion, 2007 CD Album
     DRT Entertainment - DRT449
09. Clutch - Psychic Warfare, 2015 CD Album
     Weathermaker Music - WM040
Requested, zerred. Recycling the hard rock sound of the 70s without being a Black Sabbath clone is enough to grant Clutch a shining award, even for a band from the 90s. Today's hipsters would find this impossible to achieve. On top of that, Clutch simply deliver top notch rocking waves of gravel with enough dirt to make Lemmy cough from within his coffin. There is no bad sector on this hard drive. Clutch rock, rock with Clutch, there is no other option!
Remove brackets and unzip: [love me like a reptile]
!ZER Clutch ZER!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Volcano - Leviathan

Volcano - Leviathan - 2017 01. Volcano - Leviathan, 2017 CD Album
     Metallic Core - MC-009
Thrashgasmic Japanizer melting zer! Volcano return with another killer collection of their own metallic wizardry. Leviathan does not fail to deliver their trademark and revered heavy, fast, crunchy, catchy, first quality metal. Is it better than the two previous awesome releases? Me not know yet, it is hard to rank them. But The way of the serpent surely is one of the very best songs in their discography. Fans of Loudness and Flotsam & Jetsam will be delighted, and we all bang our heads in perfect bliss until the end of the last riff!
Remove brackets and unzip: [zerathon]
!ZER Volcano ZER!

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Avskum - Re-Crucified By The System - 1997
Avskum - Crime & Punishment - 1998
Avskum - Punkista - 2003
Avskum - Uppror Underifrån - 2008
01. Avskum - Re-Crucified By The System, 1997 CD Compilation Remastered
     Finn Records - FINNREC 019
     1-7: Unreleased 7'' 1985, 8-13: Crucified By The System 7'' 1984, 14-27: 1984 recordings, 28-36: 1982 demo
02. Avskum - Crime & Punishment, 1998 CD Album
     Distortion Records - DISTCD48
03. Avskum - Punkista, 2003 CD Album
     Prank - PRANK 064
04. Avskum - Uppror Underifrån, 2008 CD Album
     Prank - PRANK 097
A few million years ago, I discovered these angry Swedes on one of the Really Fast compilations and of course they blew my zer with a blunt force Discharge worship not unlike Anti Cimex and it was an instant winner forever. From Mob47 to Diskonto and Wolfpack to Krigshot, everybody's dis-preference is served! Plain and raw attacks of raging thrash punk for the zerrest enjoyment of the disciple of dis!
Remove brackets and unzip: [swedcharge]
!ZER Avskum ZER!

Thursday, August 17, 2017


Xenomorph - Empyreal Regimes - 1995 01. Xenomorph - Empyreal Regimes, 1995 CD Reissue
     Dark Descent Records - DDR035CD
     Reissue from 2011 - + Subspecies Demo
I watched the brown collection of images and sounds that goes under the name Alien: Covenant. It is so bad it is good. Is it as incredibly stupid, disjointed and childish as the previous jaw-dropping pile of greasy turds called Prometheus? Yes! Even worse! Snarling laughter and power facepalm at every scene! Each day a new low.
Since redemption and respect for the classic space carnivores will not come from the sad cesspool of retards from "the movie industry", we have no choice, we must play the Xenomorph death metal as loud as possible. Xenomorph deploy long tracks of death with a thrash metal vibe that connect to the spirit of Nocturnus (without keyboards). There are many riffs with a taste for complexity in structures and even if a couple of fast double-bass sections are not that great, the whole thing is a massive beast with recursions of telescopic jaws. This is a venomous underground metal classic!
Remove brackets and unzip: [ridley scott euthanasia]
!ZER Xenomorph ZER!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Hummingbird Of Death

I Accuse!, Hummingbird Of Death - I Accuse! / Hummingbird Of Death - 2006
Hummingbird Of Death - Goatmeal - 2008
Hummingbird Of Death, Chainsaw To The Face - Hummingbird Of Death / Chainsaw To The Face - 2008
Hummingbird Of Death - Show Us The Meaning Of Haste - 2009
Hummingbird Of Death, Titanarum - Hummingbird Of Death Meets Titanarum - 2011
Hummingbird Of Death - Skullvalanche - 2012
Cold World, Hummingbird Of Death - Cold World / Hummingbird Of Death - 2013
01. I Accuse!, Hummingbird Of Death - I Accuse! / Hummingbird Of Death, 2006 Vinyl LP 45 RPM
     Sound Pollution Records - Pollute 097 , Compilation
     Contains 26 songs by: I Accuse!, Hummingbird Of Death
02. Hummingbird Of Death - Goatmeal, 2008 Vinyl 5" Limited Edition
     Cowabunga Records - CBR-13
03. Hummingbird Of Death, Chainsaw To The Face - Hummingbird Of Death / Chainsaw To The Face, 2008 Vinyl 10" 33 ⅓ RPM
     Cowabunga Records - CB-Rex #12 , Compilation
     Contains 21 songs by: Hummingbird Of Death, Chainsaw To The Face
04. Hummingbird Of Death - Show Us The Meaning Of Haste, 2009 Vinyl LP
     Cowabunga Records - CBR-27
05. Hummingbird Of Death, Titanarum - Hummingbird Of Death Meets Titanarum, 2011 Vinyl 12"
     Give Praise Records - GPR 64 , Compilation
     Contains 10 songs by: Hummingbird Of Death, Titanarum
06. Hummingbird Of Death - Skullvalanche, 2012 Vinyl LP
     Deep Six Records - DS-165
07. Cold World, Hummingbird Of Death - Cold World / Hummingbird Of Death, 2013 Vinyl 12" 45 RPM
     Deep Six Records - #196 , Compilation
     Contains 18 songs by: Cold World, Hummingbird Of Death
Fast as a shark! HoD visit with full power the branch of hardcore that goes extremely fast without being grindcore. The genetics of Heresy is deployed here with perfect accuracy: super fast and super short blasts of teeth-flexing thrash, with a few variations in crushing sludge. HoD sound clearer than Mudlark, and actually sound exactly like Cold World. You cannot headbang to this, it goes way too fast, but you might want to destroy your living room instead. The other bands on the splits are equally killer and work as well in the business of high frequency ventilation. Red hot megaspeed thrashing triplazer! Burn! Burn! Burrrrrrnnn!!!
Remove brackets and unzip: [humming zer]
!ZER Hummingbird Of Death, Chainsaw To The Face, Cold World, I Accuse!, Titanarum ZER!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Sepultura - Morbid Visions  - 1986
Sepultura - Schizophrenia - 1987
Sepultura - Beneath The Remains - 1989
Sepultura - Arise - 1991
Sepultura - Tales From The Crypt - 1992
Sepultura - Chaos A.D. - 1993
Sepultura - The Roots Of Sepultura - 1996
Sepultura - The Roots Of Sepultura - 1996
Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots - 1996
Sepultura - Under A Pale Grey Sky - 2002
Sepultura - Under A Pale Grey Sky - 2002
01. Sepultura - Morbid Visions , 1986 CD Album
     Cogumelo Records - 44-C001
     Reissue from 1995
02. Sepultura - Schizophrenia, 1987 CD Album Reissue Remastered
     Cogumelo Records - CG 0010
     Reissue from 1998
03. Sepultura - Beneath The Remains, 1989 CD Album
     R/C Records - RCD9511
04. Sepultura - Arise, 1991 CD Album
     Roadracer Records, Roadracer Records - RO 9328-2, RO 9328 2
05. Sepultura - Tales From The Crypt, 1992 CD Unofficial Release
     Rocks - ROCKS 92028
06. Sepultura - Chaos A.D., 1993 CD Album Reissue
     Roadrunner Records - RR 8859-2
     Reissue from 1996
07. Sepultura - The Roots Of Sepultura, 1996 CD Album Compilation x 2
     Roadrunner Records, Roadrunner Records - RR 8900-8, 7 8839-2
08. Sepultura - The Roots Of Sepultura, 1996 CD Album Compilation x 2
     Roadrunner Records, Roadrunner Records - RR 8900-8, 7 8839-2
     The Roots Of Sepultura
09. Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots, 1996 CD Single
     Roadrunner Records, Roadrunner Records - RR 2320-3, 826.280
10. Sepultura - Under A Pale Grey Sky, 2002 CD Album x 2
     Roadrunner Records - RR 8436-2
     Live 1996
11. Sepultura - Under A Pale Grey Sky, 2002 CD Album x 2
     Roadrunner Records - RR 8436-2
     Live 1996 - CD2
From thrash til crap! Back from that great Sylak festival where my ass was energetically kicked by several of the ancient great sorcerers of the almighty headbanging. BUT I also experienced the most dreadful of live experiences: the abomination that goes with the name Max & Igorr Cavalera. The Igorr part was ok, but the Max part needs immediate euthanasia. There is so much distance between that presently disabled person and the inspired human being partly responsible for the classic first four Sepultura albums! On saturday night, I was utterly amazed by the narrow limits of his vocabulary ("Jump" and "Show me your hands"), his very very very talentless "singing", and above all by his complete lack of competence with the wooden object that has strings attached to it that he was carrying during the "performance". Man, that was awesome. Jump! A toad with one toe is a better guitarist. Jump! How do you call someone unable to play Iron Man? Max Cavalera should start a mayonnaise restaurant and set the three other guys free, they could start a Korn tribute and pass for a real band. Jump! Do they play with him out of pity for a musically-impaired ape? Did his giant tusk-like dreadlock pump out the last bit of energy from his dry neuron? Jump! It is not acceptable to charge people actual money for this kind of sonic purulence. Jump! Jump down that bridge and show me your corpse.
Remove brackets and unzip: [zeremains]
!ZER Sepultura ZER!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Metal Church

Metal Church - Metal Church - 1984
Metal Church - The Dark - 1986
Metal Church - Blessing In Disguise - 1989
Metal Church - The Human Factor - 1991
Metal Church - Hanging In The Balance - 1993
Metal Church - Live - 1998
Metal Church - Live In Japan - 1998
Metal Church - Masterpeace - 1999
Wayne - Metal Church - 2001
Metal Church - The Weight Of The World - 2004
Metal Church - A Light In The Dark - 2006
Metal Church - This Present Wasteland - 2008
Metal Church - Generation Nothing - 2013
Metal Church - XI - 2016
Metal Church - Classic Live - 2017
01. Metal Church - Metal Church, 1984 CD Album
     Elektra - 9 60471-2
     Reissue from 1987
02. Metal Church - The Dark, 1986 CD Album
     Elektra - 960 493-2
03. Metal Church - Blessing In Disguise, 1989 CD Album
     Elektra - 960 817-2
04. Metal Church - The Human Factor, 1991 CD Album
     Epic - EK 47000
05. Metal Church - Hanging In The Balance, 1993 CD Album
     Steamhammer - SPV 084-62172
06. Metal Church - Live, 1998 CD Album
     Nuclear Blast America - NBA 6723
07. Metal Church - Live In Japan, 1998 CD Album
     Blackheart Records - VICP-60406 
08. Metal Church - Masterpeace, 1999 CD Album
     Steamhammer - SPV 085-18702 CD
09. Wayne - Metal Church, 2001 CD Album
     Nuclear Blast, Nuclear Blast - NB 641-2, 27361 66412
10. Metal Church - The Weight Of The World, 2004 CD Album
     Steamhammer - SPV 085-69862 CD
11. Metal Church - A Light In The Dark, 2006 CD Album
     Steamhammer - SPV 99872 CD
12. Metal Church - This Present Wasteland, 2008 CD Album
     Steamhammer - SPV 98142 CD
13. Metal Church - Generation Nothing, 2013 CD Album
     Rat Pak Records, Body Of Work Recording - none, none
14. Metal Church - XI, 2016 CD Album Stereo
     Rat Pak Records - RPR603068
15. Metal Church - Classic Live, 2017 CD Album Deluxe Edition
     Rat Pak Records - RPR603075
Heavy metal will never die! Getting ready to attend the Metal Church mass tomorrow - with Venom 2 and Carcass! Rezer of the triplazer! I've never seen Metal Church live so I hope they are in great shape despite the heat wave. But the latest album is so amazing that I know they will deliver. Over 35 years, Metal Church have only released one bad album, the inaptly titled Masterpeace. The rest is a no-default metalgasmic string of classics. I am a big fan of all three vocalists and have no favorite era in this discography, it is always highest quality metal full of hooks and balls and crunch and headbanging melodies. Sure the first one is the special treat, because it is the first one, and it has aged so wonderfully, and it is perfect. But the rest is as worthy and XI is the true masterpiece! Bang that head with the devil horns in the air! Faith in the Metal Church until the end of forever!
Remove brackets and unzip: [metal church of zer]
!ZER Metal Church ZER!


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