Monday, September 30, 2024


Hellhound - Tokyo Flying V Massacre - 2006
Hellhound - Metal Fire From Hell - 2008
Hellhound - Let Metal Rule The World - 2011
Hellhound - The Oath Of Allegiance To The Kings Of Heavy Metal - 2018
Hellhound - Warrior Of Rising Sun - 2021
01. Hellhound - Tokyo Flying V Massacre, 2006 CD Album
     Black-Listed Records - BLRC-00008
02. Hellhound - Metal Fire From Hell, 2008 CD Album
     Black-Listed Records - BLRC-00025
03. Hellhound - Let Metal Rule The World, 2011 CD Album
     Black-Listed Records - BLRC-00049
04. Hellhound - The Oath Of Allegiance To The Kings Of Heavy Metal, 2018 CD Album
     Black-Listed Records - BLRC-00106
05. Hellhound - Warrior Of Rising Sun, 2021 CD Album Stereo
     Spiritual Beast - IUCP-16345
Hellhound have one mission: heavy metal will never die!!! Delivering an explosive mixture of speed metal reminding of early Living Death and Grave Digger, and of course countless others from Metal Church to Chateaux to Exciter, they propagate heavy metal like there is no tomorrow, at least 50% of the songs have titles featuring the word "metal" (there is even a "Mr. Heavy Metal"). And they do it so well that this entire output could have surfaced between 1982 and 1986. High energy, great delivery, good production and endless headbanging, what else does the heavymetalonaut need? Triplazering heavy metal mania!!!
Remove brackets and unzip: [speedmetalizer]
!ZER Hellhound ZER!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Iron Force

Iron Force - Bootleg Up Your Ass - 2014
Iron Force - Dungeon Breaker - 2014
01. Iron Force - Bootleg Up, 2014
02. Iron Force - Dungeon Breaker, 2014 CD EP
     Dying Victims Productions - DVP 55
Speed metal hell! If the Church had printed 1984 instead of 2014, nobody would have noticed. This is as filthy a speed metal attack as a NME demo with a Teutonic vibe. Triplazering thrash to the future!
Remove brackets and unzip: [iron zer]
!ZER Iron Force ZER!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024


Bones - Bones - 2011
Bones - Sons Of Sleaze - 2013
Bones - Diseased - 2019
Bones - Vomit - 2022
01. Bones - Bones, 2011 CD Album
     Planet Metal - PM011
02. Bones - Sons Of Sleaze, 2013 CD Album
     Planet Metal - PM015
03. Bones - Diseased, 2019 CD Album
     Transcending Obscurity Records - TOR 071
04. Bones - Vomit, 2022 CD Album
     Disorder Recordings - DRX024
There are dozens of Bones making noise. This one is at the top of the heap, as any true zerist into old stinky death metal and crust thrash shall confirm. Fans of Abscess and Panzerbastard and Death Breath and Bonesaw know they need more Bones. Featuring former Usurper members, these Bones don't break, and carve your skull with massive oily riffs. Triplazering punk death forward to the center of the chaos graves!
Remove brackets and unzip: [sons of zer]
!ZER Bones ZER!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Reload: Broken Bones

Broken Bones - Dem Bones - 1984
Broken Bones - Dem Bones - 1984
Broken Bones - Bonecrusher - 1984/1988
Broken Bones - F.O.A.D. - 1985
Broken Bones - Seeing Through My Eyes - 1985
Broken Bones - Never Say Die - 1986
Broken Bones - Losing Control - 1989
Broken Bones - Trader In Death - 1990
Broken Bones - Dem Bones/Decapitated - 1990
Broken Bones - Stitched Up - 1991
Broken Bones - Complete Singles - 1996
Broken Bones - Live 100 Club - 2001
Broken Bones - Without Conscience - 2001
Broken Bones - Time For Anger,  Not Justice - 2005
Broken Bones - Fuck You And All You Stand For! - 2010
01. Broken Bones - Dem Bones, 1984 Vinyl LP Album Stereo
     Fallout Records, Fallout Records - FALL 28, FALL LP 028
02. Broken Bones - Dem Bones, 1984 Vinyl LP Picture Disc
     Fallout Records - FALL LP 028
03. Broken Bones - Bonecrusher, 1984/1988 CD Reissue
     Relapse Records - RR 6540-2
     Reissue from 2002
04. Broken Bones - F.O.A.D., 1985 CD Album
     Fallout Records - FALLCD041
     Reissue from 1993
05. Broken Bones - Seeing Through My Eyes, 1985 Vinyl 10" 45 RPM Limited Edition
     Fallout Records - FALL 10.034
06. Broken Bones - Never Say Die, 1986 Vinyl 12" EP 45 RPM
     Fallout Records - FALL 12.039
07. Broken Bones - Losing Control, 1989 CD Album
     Heavy Metal Records - HMR XD 133
08. Broken Bones - Trader In Death, 1990 Vinyl 12" Reissue
     Heavy Metal Records - HMR LP 141
09. Broken Bones - Dem Bones/Decapitated, 1990 CD Compilation
     Fallout Records - FALL CD 28
     1990 CD reissue: 1-13: Dem Bones, 14-15: Decapitated (singles compilation)
10. Broken Bones - Stitched Up, 1991 Vinyl LP Album
     Rough Justice - JUST18
11. Broken Bones - Complete Singles, 1996 CD Compilation
     Cleopatra - CLP 9687-2
     1-3: Crucifix 7'' 1984, 4-6: Decapitated 7'' 1983, 7-11: Seeing Through My Eyes 10'' 1985, 12-14: Never Say Die 12'' 1986, 15-18: from Dem Bones & F.O.A.D.
12. Broken Bones - Live 100 Club, 2001 CD Album Reissue
     Fallout Records - FALL CD 058
13. Broken Bones - Without Conscience, 2001 CD Album
     Rhythm Vicar - PREACH026CD
14. Broken Bones - Time For Anger, Not Justice, 2005 CD Album
     Dr. Strange Records - DSR-108
15. Broken Bones - Fuck You And All You Stand For!, 2010 CD Album
     Xtreem Music - XM 087 CD
Someone requested a D.I. reup, without checking if the links were still ok. They are. ===>>> Verify before requesting, use the zerred band list on the right. Stop the laziness.
Now, legitimately requested: rezerred.
Remove brackets and unzip: [zer bones]
!ZER Broken Bones ZER!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Fetish - World Eater

Fetish - World Eater - 2019
01. Fetish - World Eater, 2019 CD Album
     Blackhouse Records - BH999119
Were you missing Poison Idea? Here is incarnation 2.0. This album is just great, it could have been released in 1987 and we'd still be banging our heads to it. Kings of zer! Zer all the time! Triplapunkification of the zerrest!
Remove brackets and unzip: [zereater]
!ZER Fetish ZER!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Königreichssaal - Witnessing The Dearth - 2020
Königreichssaal - Loewen (Podróż Przez Dziesiąty Krąg Piekła) - 2022
Königreichssaal - Psalmen'o'delirium - 2024
01. Königreichssaal - Witnessing The Dearth, 2020 CD Album
     Cult Of Parthenope - COP009
02. Königreichssaal - Loewen (Podróż Przez Dziesiąty Krąg Piekła), 2022 CD Mini-Album
     Not On Label - KRS001
03. Königreichssaal - Psalmen'o'delirium, 2024 CD Album
     Godz Ov War Productions - none
At the center of the blackiverse, we find the Polish death machine. And the foie gras on the caviar of the Polish death machine is secreted by the likes of Furia, Odraza, Morowe, Kriegsmaschine... and Königreichssaal. Let us overdose on this black drug that distills the haunting powers of Bethlehem. Emphasis is on possessing spirits, devouring souls and damning minds: thou shalt not find mindless blastbeats here, nor walls of animal violence. Königreichssaal twist and attack the brain, rather than the skeleton. Mid-tempo evil heaviness shall dissolve your entire being into something new, but old - and obsessed. This is fucking addictive, you have been warned. Triplazering blackgasm of the wicked!
Remove brackets and unzip: [konigizer]
!ZER Königreichssaal ZER!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Reload: M.D.C.

MDC - Millions Of Dead Cops - 0
MDC - Millions Of Dead Cops - 1982
MDC - Smoke Signals - 1986
MDC - This Blood's For You - 1987
MDC - This Blood's For You - 1987
MDC - This Blood's For You - 1987
MDC - Elvis - In The Rheinland (Live In Berlin) - 1988
MDC - More Dead Cops 1981-1987 - 1988
MDC - Elvis - In The Rheinland (Live In Berlin) - 1988
MDC - Metal Devil Cokes - 1989
MDC - Hey Cop!!! If I Had A Face Like Yours... - 1991
MDC - More Dead Cops 1981-1987 - 1993
MDC - Shades Of Brown - 1993
MDC - Thanks For Giving Me What I Didn't Want... - 1993
MDC - Millions Of Dead Cops - 2003
MDC - Magnus Dominus Corpus - 2004
01. MDC - Millions Of Dead Cops, 0 CD Album Reissue
     We Bite Records, We Bite Records - We Bite 3-109-2, WE BITE 3-109-2
02. MDC - Millions Of Dead Cops, 1982 Vinyl LP Album Reissue
     R Radical Records - MDC 1
03. MDC - Smoke Signals, 1986 Vinyl LP Album
     R Radical Records - MDC-4
04. MDC - This Blood's For You, 1987 CD Album
     We Bite Records - WE BITE 3-022-2
05. MDC - This Blood's For You, 1987 Vinyl LP Album
     We Bite Records - WB 022
06. MDC - This Blood's For You, 1987 Vinyl LP Album Picture Disc
     We Bite Records - WB 022
07. MDC - Elvis - In The Rheinland (Live In Berlin), 1988 Vinyl LP Album
     Destiny Records - 05147
08. MDC - More Dead Cops 1981-1987, 1988 Vinyl LP Compilation
     We Bite Records, We Bite Records - WE BITE 033, WB 033 , Compilation
     Contains 13 songs by: Stains, MDC
09. MDC - Elvis - In The Rheinland (Live In Berlin), 1988 CD Album
     Destiny Records - EFA 05147 2
10. MDC - Metal Devil Cokes, 1989 Vinyl LP Album
     Boner Records, R Radical Records - MDC 7, MDC 7
11. MDC - Hey Cop!!! If I Had A Face Like Yours..., 1991 CD Album
     R Radical Records - MDC8-2
12. MDC - More Dead Cops 1981-1987, 1993 CD Compilation Reissue
     We Bite Records, We Bite Records - WE BITE 3-033-2, We Bite 3-033-2
     1-2: John Wayne Was A Nazi 7'', 3-6: Multi Death Corporations 7'', 7-9: Millions Of Dead Children 7'', 10-11: from Rat Music For Rat People Vol. 2 comp, 12-13: exclusive tracks
13. MDC - Shades Of Brown, 1993 CD Album
     We Bite Records - 3-112-2
14. MDC - Thanks For Giving Me What I Didn't Want..., 1993 Vinyl 7"
     New Red Archives - NRA 41
15. MDC - Millions Of Dead Cops, 2003 Vinyl LP Album Picture Disc Reissue
     Twisted Chords - tc038
16. MDC - Magnus Dominus Corpus, 2004 CD Album
     Yellow Dog Records - YD 043
Requested: rezerred.
Remove brackets and unzip: [dead cops]


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