Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fear of God

Fear of God - 1st 7" + pneumatic slaughter 7" + as statues fell LP, 1987/1988
Ooooooh happy birthday MAXIME ! 31 ans ! Quelle jeunesse fougueuse ! C'est sérieux cette année ! Cabine ! Mutz ! Zer.

And then Fear of God detonated in the middle of the rising 80s grindcore scene. Not to be mistaken for the (not so bad) ex-Détente US metal band, this truly frightening Fear of God is a fine purveyor of extremely grinding thrash and death noise from the deepest pits of infected blood and possessed rotten bowels. With a revolving line-up of members (including some of Messiah), this Swiss commando played shows (I still have the VHS!) with the likes of Extreme Noise Terror, Napalm Death and all the classic battalion of grinders. If Nuclear Death wasn't enough, try Fear of God ! MEGA KILLER NOISY ULTRA MASSACRE ZERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes I own a copy of each record, including the official transparent 1st press of the 1st 7", fuck yeah. This is my vinyl rip from 10 years ago:

1st 7" on Temple of Love :
* Rubbish Planet
* Controlled By Fear
* Prisoner Of Your Ideals
* Under The Chainsaw
* Trouble Maker
* Proud On Your Pride
* My Hands Deep In Your Guts
* Which Way?
* Pneumatic Slaughter
* A Life In Rigorism
* 7 Up
* Circle A
* Running Through The Blood
* Raise The Siege
* Pelzfotze
* I'm Positive
* The Two Sides Of The Coin
* Locked Away
* I've Seen
* Absolution
* First Class People
* Break The Chain (from a bootleg)

Pneumatic Slaughter 7":

1. Running Through the Blood
2. Locked Away
3. A life in Rigorism
4. I've seen
5. The Two Sides of the Coin
6. Fool's prayer
7. I'm Positive
8. Pneumatic Slaughter
9. Pelz-lied
10. Under the Chainsaw
11. Controlled by Fear

As statues fell LP:

A Side Recorded alive in October 1988 in Fribourg, Switzerland.

1. As Statues Fell
2. Controlled By Fear
3. Locked Away
4. Thy Beauty
5. Rubbish Planet
6. Trouble Maker
7. Absolution
8. The Two Sides Of The Coin
9. My Hands Deep In Your Guts
10. Pneumatic Slaughter
11. Look Behind The Veils
12. A Life In Rigorism
13. Running Through The Blood
14. Mass Murderer
15. Which Way
16. Permanent Struggle
17. What I See
18. World Under My Fingernails

B Side Recorded alive in July 1988 in Hanau, Germany.

1. The Two Sides Of The Coin
2. Pharmageddon
3. 100 Ways To Die
4. Veil of Oblivion
5. Under The Chainsaw
6. My Hands Deep In Your Guts
7. Raise The Siege
8. Rubbish Planet
9. I've Seen
10. Pneumatic Slaughter
11. Ripping Apart
12. Running Through The Blood
13. Kill Miss Millie
14. First Class People

And there is an Infest cover somewhere at the end of the archive.

Salut Massimo, salut les frères Geuggis ! Zer 1988 !!!! Encore désolé pour la catastrophe du show avec Mass Murder & Deathnoise le 12 décembre 87 à Grenoble... mais ZER !
Fear of God on Wikipedia
Fear of God on Discogs


  1. hach gottchen, was waren das für zeiten :)

  2. Just discovered your blog and it is the BEST I have found yet! Thanks for all the hard work.

  3. I actually really like the other Fear of God.

  4. Zer - I have a video too, it has shaved head Mick Harris on stage doing vocals and 'air bass guitar' hehehe wild stuff...I see Erich has a blog too...good to see he's alive still!

    Keep zerring - great job!

    alan exmorbidroadie

  5. miZER, c'est beau de retrouver tout ça en ligne.
    bon en même temps, mon souvenir c'est la tête de noeud du chanteur et un égo gros comme une maison...
    il faudra que je te donne en pature les demos de Fear of God avec les 2 Geuggis et myself. c'est beaucoup mieux.

  6. my sister drew the backcover of the first ep...

  7. Ah Mad Iorillo himself ! Ouais, ledit chanteur m'avait même menacé il y a 10 ans car j'avais monté ces mp3s sur
    Je suis très friand des démos dont tu parles, zer d'avance !
    Bonjour à ta soeur !

  8. Ah c'était la zer(mi) ce type hein, file moi ton adresse mail, je t'enverrai de quoi faire un post! Massimo

  9. avec joie et empressement :

  10. me rappelle bien des pizzas grenobloises en tout cas ;-)

    excellent blog !

    zer from swit-zer-land





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