Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Dead Entertainment, 1981
Conquer, 1983
The Price Of Being Young, 2005
Brand New, 2008
'Conquer' was already posted in the very beginning of this blog, because it is a fantastic album. Now here comes the rest of Vopo's production, and a new/better (louder) re-rip of the masterpiece Conquer. Yes the cover art is ugly, but the music rips and it was my first experience with what would be called crossover - before Broken Bones, before any other HC/punk band turned metal. I remember buying it because it received very very bad reviews in the metal press as well as in the punk zines. Too punk for the first and too metal for the latter, it had to be great - how would you dare going against the dominant orthodoxy! Red or long hair, you had to choose. And this is the only record I know with a song called Nuclear War that has accordion in it, and it works so well! Conquer is like the perfect mix of English Dogs and Warfare with better guitars. Groovy, heavy, with 12 fists in the air! I was floored then and today this record is still amazing. I wouldn't be so enthusiastic about Dead Entertainment, a collection of below-average-to-tedious basic '77 punk rock... And then they came back in 2005 with a re-recording CD with most of Dead Entertainment and 5 songs from Conquer. This CD RIPSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! They turned the early songs from D.E. into high octane punk anthems and the Conquer tracks into bombs of mid-paced thrash - the guitar picking is INTENSE!!! One of the most AMAZING re-recoding albums ever. If only they had redone the whole Conquer album... The song "In the book" is simply outstanding and sits in all my home made mp3 comps. Then the 2008 Brand New album demonstrates further the power and experience of these guys in the bone-crushing punk department. This is not Green Day! GENUINE KILLER PUNK THRASHING ZZEERR R RRR zerRRrrRrrRR!R!RRrR!Rr !R !RrRR RRRRRRRRRRR! r RR! !R!R!! !!!!
CD rip and vinyl rip of :

Dead Entertainment:
A1 You're Gonna Miss Me Baby
A2 God
A3 Dead Entertainment
A4 Picture
A5 Commercials
A6 Unifil Soldier
A7 Zwolle
A8 Uniforms
A9 Bathroom
A10 Let Them Look at Themselves
B1 A Light
B2 Communist Rules
B3 Friday Till Monday
B4 Television Sensation
B5 School
B6 I Don't Care What People Say
B7 City Destroyers
B8 We're Gonna Do What We Like
B9 E-38

1 Hard and Loud
2 Tonight
3 In the Book
4 Nuclear war
5 Warrior
6 Conquer
7 Get me
8 Speedbanging Babies
9 007
10 Short Joy

Buy the two AMAZING CDs directly from their website!




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