Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bad Brains

Black Dots, 1979 (rel. 1996)
Pay To Cum 7", 1980
Attitude - The ROIR Sessions, 1982 (1989 We Bite reissue)
Live At CBGB, 1982 (rel. 2006)
Rock For Light, 1983
Rock For Light (dumb 1991 remix), 1983/1991
I Against I, 1986
The Youth Are Getting Restless (Live in Amsterdam), 1987 (rel. 1990)
Live, 1988
Quickness, 1989
Spirit Electricity (Live), 1991
Rise, 1993
God Of Love, 1995
Build A Nation, 2007
Live 1989 - Quickness tour, 1989 (tape rip)
Live 1995 - God Of Love tour, 1995 (tape rip)
Live on Dutch TV 1989, 1989 (VHS rip)
Live At Iguanas 7", 1989
Live At The Marquee, 1991 (new & better rip than last year's!) Track 03 (UPDATE)
Pay To Cum 1979/1981 12", ?
Related zerness:
HR - Tapes '84-'86 (It's About Luv + Keep Out Of Reach), 1988
Stealth - Zero To Mach 7, 1998
Never Give In - A Tribute To The Bad Brains, 1999
You saw it coming. After Henry Rollins' Bad Brains stories, I had to post some Bad Brains records, the best band in the world. Also, this post kicks out the Protector post from the front page, it HAD to be with something with CULT CLASSIC status. BAD BRAINS!
I already mentioned the ETERNAL ZER TOP 10 in which Eisenvater, C.C.M., Rose Rose, The Accüsed and Acid Bath hold unmovable seats. Bad Brains is there too, above the previously cited. To me Bad Brains is the combined greatness of Black Sabbath and Motörhead in the hardcore punk rock department, they invented the whole thing, they released the best records and they are gods. That's it.
My favorite albums? Probably "Rock For Light" and "Quickness", but actually everything up to and including the masterpiece "Rise". "Rise" is to Bad Brains what "Curse" is to the Accüsed, an amazing comeback with another singer that does as well as the original. Saw them 3 times on the Rise tour with Israel on vocals and it was as mesmerizing as the 3 shows we attended on the 1989 Quickness tour (when I proposed to my wife! Zer! Fucking flabbergasting Zürich show! NOSTALGIAAAAAAAAAAA!).
- I tagged the 1991 reissue of "Rock For Light" as "the dumb remix" because the songs order changed, there is way to much reverb on the vocals to my liking and I always had the feeling some parts had been accelerated. Listen and compare.
- the tribute CD posted here is pretty good, however the best Bad Brains covers I heard are not on this disc. Check out the incredible rendition of "We Will Not" by crossover kings Blunt Force Trauma. Other great covers by Sepultura, Cro-Mags, Living Colour, Kazjurol and a billion others. Don't forget the German cover versions by Kein Hass Da (ex Militant Mothers, the German Bad Brains). You might also be interested in the excellent Japanese Bad Brains: Fearless Vampire Killers. Mega zer.
And don't use this Bad Brains orgy as an excuse to smoke a joint because drugs are bad, long live the war on drugs!
CD rip except vinyl rip of

Pay To Cum 7" (tagged)
Pay To Cum 12" (tagged)

Live At Iguanas 7":
A1 Banned In D.C.
A2 At The Movies
B Pay To Cum

Live At The Marquee:

Black Dots:
Don't Need It
At The Atlantis
Pay To Cum
Supertouch / Shitfit
You're A Migraine
Don't Bother Me
Banned In D.C
Why'd You Have To Go?
The Man Won't Annoy Ya
Redbone In The City
Black Dots
How Low Can A Punk Get?
Just Another Damn Song
Send You No Flower

+ tapes & VHS rips where indicated and I was too lazy to tag, anyway you know all the songs. Each song is a classic. Know your classics.

Bad Brains on Wikipedia


  1. ah non je l'avais pas vu venir, par contre je l'ai bien senti passer. tout pareil que toi sauf que build a nation, ça aurait pu être un sacré disque instrumental, malheureusement ils se sont senti obligés d'inviter une sorte de doc gynéco à venir tousser sur chaque chanson. beurk.

  2. ouais, je ne voulais pas mettre de commentaires négatifs, mais build a nation fut la grande amertume de 2007... je les ai vus Londres, pathétique... ils se sont faits siffler, triiiiiiiste...

  3. Tu m'étonnes, tu parles d'une pilule...
    Bin, moi je connais pas Build a nation et Rise, je l'ai revendu il y a un paquet de temps. Alors je vais me faire un plaisir d'écouter ça.

  4. Fuckshitcuntdickballass!!! This blog's gonna explode!!!

  5. Source of original "Rock for Light" ?

  6. German version of CD on Line Records. White vinyl rip available too...

  7. Excellent - was hoping it was a CD rip - thanks!

  8. Track 03 on Live At The Marquee is corrupt.

    Everything else works.

    Thanks for the Mega Cult classic !!!!

  9. hey Zer! Thank you as usual! by the way, if you don't mind me asking, what is the difference between last years rip of live at the marquee vs. this years new and updated version? thank you!

  10. I removed the loudest cracks and pops, and I normalized the gain (something I had forgotten to do), so this rip is cleaner and louder.

  11. big thanks for the original Rock For Light. It's SO much better!

  12. Great uploads.
    Do you have live at maritime hall, the I and I survived dub album, on like popcorn track and the bonus track from Build a Nation?
    And the demos?

    I had everything bar the BAN bonus track on my old hard drive that I may get back if the data recovery works.
    Otherwise I am back to square one and downloading these again.

  13. "And don't use this Bad Brains orgy as an excuse to smoke a joint because drugs are bad, long live the war on drugs!"

    Are you being serious or are you joking?

    If you are being serious, than you are LAME.

    Police are not punk rock.




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